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"New(?)" JPB PSX codes and stuff

Guest Kurgan

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Guest Kurgan

Hey guys. While I don't have the time to test these all out to be sure they are correct (I suspect some of them may not be, but then a little could be lost in translation, as it was originally in French and I don't speak it), but here's something that this guy sent me in my email today, about PSX JPB.


I translated it with babel fish and tried to correct spelling errors and typos where I could, but there's still a few I'm not sure about, as I don't play the game, so I can't really know for sure what he was referring to.


Here it is in its entirety:




© Lucas Arts 2000


A number of points for maximum experiment


Here the number of points necessary per level to obtain a maximum experiment:


1. 24000

2. 21000

3. 31500

4. 39000

5. 34000

6. 51000

7. 30000

8. 7650

9. 14000

10. 12000


To play with Darth Maul:


Finish the game with Qui-Gon Jinn then put in intensified brightness and support on Select with the screen of selection of the characters.


To play with the Queen Amidala:


Finish the game with Obi-Wan Kenobi, put in intensified brightness and support on Select with the screen of selection of the characters.


To play with the Captain Panaka:


Finish the game with Plo Koon, put in intensified brightness and support on Select has L screen of selection of the characters.


To play with Ki-Adi-Mundi:


Finish all the levels with all the persons then bring them to level 10 with 100 D speed chacun (except Darth Maul, the Queen Amidala and the Captain Panaka because they N does not increase their speed but only the levels) puis back up to have a Jedi name of Ki-Adi-Mundi while supporting on select on the body of MatheseWindu.


To play with Jar Jar Binks and Anakin Skywalker:


Make similar qu with the top then finish with Ki-Adi-Mundi and bring it to the level 10 (One cannot increase its speed) then made X, O, high, Triangle, left, left, Triangle, X and Select (These codes does not go qu with certain versions)


To play with the Double Saber of Darth Maul:


Make similar that at the top but put Anakin and keeps it Gungan (c is not Jar Jar Binks but a guard) au level 10 (you cannot increase their speeds) puis made O, X, X, low, high, high O, left, left and Select (these codes does not go work with certain versions).


Developer (?) Mode Jedi Power Battle:


Finish the game with all the characters as well as the persons masks with the codes and bring all to level 10 with 100 D aptitudes (for those which it peuvent) and thus the Jedi Power Battle mode will be Developer (?), to play it there fautjouer in mode 2 players and there will be write Jedi mode, Padawan mode and Jedi Power Battle mode and thus you will be able to fight L against L different.


Developer (?) level 15:


Finish the game with all the characters as well as the persons masks with the codes and bring all to level 10 with 100 D aptitudes (for those which it peuvent) and level 15 will be Developer (?), C is a pod race or L one peus to take Anakin, Sebulba and teemto with their pods on the race these of the Bounta.


Levels no-claims bonus:


To resolve levels 11 and 12, three of your persons must be on level 10 with each one 100 of aptitude. Play then with a fourth person, the two levels will be resolved when this person reaches level 10 and 100 in aptitude. To resolve the level 14, the 5 persons must be on level 10 with 100 of aptitude.


Ultimate Saber:


On the level 14, fight 100 adversaries, including all the types of troops of the play to free the Ultimate Saber. This Saber enables you to kill all your adversaries in a blow (except the boss). You can remove it or take it in the menu, which appears when the play is in pause. You need only to take it on these with one of the persons so that all the persons can use it (one or two players) in this mode. Other means of having the Ultimate Saber: stop the 4 additional training courses.


Laser guns:


During the game, made pause and support on square, triangle, triangle, round, Select (These codes do not work with certain versions)


Level Select:


During the game, made pause and press on L1, cross, cross, cross, round, round, round, square, carré (These codes does not work with certain versions)


Training courses and supplemental persons:


Finish the game by using the 5 Jedi to resolve 4 training courses and three additional persons.


Secret levels:


Droidekass!: finish the game with Plo Koon.

Race of Kaadus: Finish the game with Ad Gallia.

Find Jar Jar Binks: find the 3 Gungan Artifacts through the play.

The law of the strongest: Finish the game with Mace Windu, finish this level to free the ultimate sabre. Race of Bounta: finish the game with all the characters same the masks with codes.


Codes Action Codes:


P1 infinite life

800B1EF4 0064


P1 infinite Force

800B1EFC 0064


P2 infinite life

800B1F10 0064


P2 infinite Force

800B1F18 0064



Other Action Replay codes:



Character Selection:


Darth Maul:

800B1ED8 0005


Princess Amidala:

800B1ED8 0006


Plo Koon:

800B1ED8 0004


Qui-Gon Jinn:

800B1ED8 0001


Obi-Wan Kenobi:

800B1ED8 0000


Captain Panaka:

800B1ED8 0007


Mace Windu:

800B1ED8 0002


Adi Gallia:

800B1ED8 0003


Various codes, Action Replay:


Three times more credits:

800B2054 000F


Infinite energy:

800B2060 0064


Infinite Force:

800B2068 0064




That's the whole thing. If you want the original French doc file (Astuces jpb.doc, literally "easy ways") let me know.


Good luck!



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Guest Kirvan_Vax

Well Kurgan...I'd hate to be the guy to break this to you...but that e-mail is a hoax...to my knowledge about this game there are NO codes for the PSX version...no double bladed Maul, no Ki-Adi not Anakin no Jar Jar either, the Action Relay codes MIGHT be right...I dunno I personally use a Gameshark if I want to use cheats.There are NO Training courses in the PSX version (albiet, there are in the DC version)and that Devolper level 15...no way shape or form...the Jedi Power Mode is in the DC version NOT the PSX version, now, he DID give you some correct information, the level benchmarks I do believe are correct, and the ones for Panaka (Single Bladed) Maul and the Queen...anyways...sorry for dissappointing you all...

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Guest Dave Maul

Actually (I'm sure I posted something about this before) you CAN play as one of the Gungan Guards if you have a Gameshark. It changes the 'skin' of your character to the Gungans'. You have to play as Obi-Wan because he has the same animations as the guard, any other and you won't be able to do many of the attacks. It's a lot of fun, the guards speak during fights. But during cutscenes they are silent, just like mime artists pointing towards droids or whatnot :)


The code is: 800B1ED8 0009


And here's a screenshot for you 'unbelievers':




[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: Dave Maul ]

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Guest Kurgan

Well I figured some of it was probably fake, hence the disclaimer. ; )


But anyway, he begged me to post it, so I did, and you guys debunked it, thanks.


Too bad...



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Guest Dave Maul

Very good, as you can see ;)


Although, I just spotted a tell-tale sign that it's fixed... can you spot it?...

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Guest Kirvan_Vax

That pic is a screenshot from a one player game :: points to the point monitor:: you should know better really...and hey, if anyone REALLY wanted to try those codes...you could...though...I dunno...might suprise me or something


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: Kirvan_Vax ]

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Guest Mace Koon

Here's how we know that the picture is a fake: Not only is there only listed one player's score, but the score is only 50. There's simply no way that a player can get to the end of level 7 and have only 50 points. Even if you died, you would have the points from the checkpoint. If you never touched a checkpoint, then you would have to re-start from the beginning of the level. So it just can't be done. My own theory is that the photo may, at some stage, have been a real picture of Mace Windu fighting the level 7 boss and one of his goons, and then it was altered so that the goon appeared to be teamed with Mace. In any event, its a forgery that simply cannot stand up to scrutiny.

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Guest Mace Koon

I have a question about another code. While surfing the 'Net, I found this alleged code:


"This is a very simple code. All you have to do is beat the game on Jedi mode with any two characters. Once you have completed that task you must hit the following buttons at the Jedi select screen. R1 R2 R2 R2 L2 L1 R2 R1 L1 L@ R2. Then select Adi Gallia as your Jedi. Select any level as long as you know you can beat it. Beat the level you chose. After the point tally stuff the game will cut to a secret cinema scene. It is tough work but worth it. The queen kisses Anican and it does a cool future flash of Luke Skywalker and Anican being possessed by Palpotine. A kiss is worth a lot! Huh!?"


My first problem is that the final "L" is followed by a "@," so I don't know if the writer meant "L1" or "L2." I've tried the code without success, but maybe I was doing something wrong? Does anyknow anything about this working for either the PSX (what I'm playing) or the DC version (which I don't have)? For whatever it's worth, I tried this alleged code and then used Adi to beat level 8 (the fastest and easiest level to beat).

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Guest Mace Koon

I have a question about another code. While surfing the 'Net, I found this alleged code:


"This is a very simple code. All you have to do is beat the game on Jedi mode with any two characters. Once you have completed that task you must hit the following buttons at the Jedi select screen. R1 R2 R2 R2 L2 L1 R2 R1 L1 L@ R2. Then select Adi Gallia as your Jedi. Select any level as long as you know you can beat it. Beat the level you chose. After the point tally stuff the game will cut to a secret cinema scene. It is tough work but worth it. The queen kisses Anican and it does a cool future flash of Luke Skywalker and Anican being possessed by Palpotine. A kiss is worth a lot! Huh!?"


My first problem is that the final "L" is followed by a "@," so I don't know if the writer meant "L1" or "L2." I've tried the code without success, but maybe I was doing something wrong? Does anyknow anything about this working for either the PSX (what I'm playing) or the DC version (which I don't have)? For whatever it's worth, I tried this alleged code and then used Adi to beat level 8 (the fastest and easiest level to beat).

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Guest Dave Maul

*sigh* here's how you know it's fake:


1) Look familiar to anyone?




2) The image url is http://munchsoddysee.homestead.com, the same as the banner in my sig.


3) Pedro and I kinda gave some heavy clues that I used Paint Show Pro above.


4) I made it.


I'm suprised anyone fell for it, and even more that people went to great lengths to point out that it was doctored. I expected a few 'lol's, not 'that pic is such a fake'.

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