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Trying a full game without buying it...


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First: this isn't about warez. Second: I want to get Battle Field 1942, but with the demo I get insanely long load times that would, if present in the final version, would quickly make it a waste of money. So is there any way to try the full version without buying it, and do so legaly ? I can't buy it and return it either... no stores around here will give refunds, just exchanges fior the same game.

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Originally posted by Kyth'emos

First: this isn't about warez. Second: I want to get Battle Field 1942, but with the demo I get insanely long load times that would, if present in the final version, would quickly make it a waste of money. So is there any way to try the full version without buying it, and do so legaly ? I can't buy it and return it either... no stores around here will give refunds, just exchanges fior the same game.


Just download it,if you like it, you just trash the demo retail,and just buy the real one.

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Well i know what you mean you cant even play it in the store cos it isnt your computer and that does nothing for you.


My friends computer is insanely fast and it takes ages to load and his $500 monitor works really badly with it but im sure these issues are fixed in the full version. I think its probably worth taking the risk for

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Originally posted by Tyrion


Just download it,if you like it, you just trash the demo retail,and just buy the real one.


Tyrion I said legaly. Unless I misunderstand you you are saying download the full version from kazaa and then buy it if it works, that would be illegal and therfore a last resort.

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Originally posted by Kyth'emos


Tyrion I said legaly. Unless I misunderstand you you are saying download the full version from kazaa and then buy it if it works, that would be illegal and therfore a last resort.


other than that,you'd have to download it from a site...

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The only legal way to try a full retail commercial game, without buying it would be to do one of the following:


1) Get somebody to buy it FOR you as a gift (parents, friends, significant others).


2) Play it in the store.


3) Find a friend who has it, and play it on their computer.


4) Win the free games in some official contest or give-away.


5) Become a game industry reporter/journalist and sign up to get free copies of games sent to you to review.


6) Beg your game industry working family member/friend for a free copy.



If these are not an option, then I guess you'll either have to buy the game, or resort to illegal means, which we won't encourage here.


PS: Darth Clem says "he could buy it and sell it to a friend who also wants it."


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