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What's the most underpowered civ?


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Hi everybody.

I've been thinking about a new UU/kind of unit, and before I go jumping around everywhere (and getting people hating me/thinking I'm Windu), I'd like to know a few things.

First thing is- which civ do you people think is the least powerful IE always gets beaten, has notable difficulties in an important area, just generally sucks.

Also, if there are some civs who are really lacking in air power (and need it to balance the game), i'd like to know about them too.

Don't get all excited (you probably won't), I'm not sure about this idea, and if there's no support I'll probably give up. But don't worry-it's not a gunship. :p

Oh... sorry Windu. I like the gunship. :)

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The most underpowered civilization in my opinion is the empire. They rely on strong mechs and heavy weapons. There shipyard, troop center, and air units stink. I wish they got rid of heavy weapons factorys in certain civ.'s. Pummels, anti-air mobiles and artillery are not apart of the star wars movies at least the rebel alliance and empire. They only started making heavy weapons for the video games. I don't even remember heavy weapons units in the novels. Empire needs better air and better troopers. Tie Advanced, Imperial Lamda Class Shuttle and several kinds of trooper units need to be added. Rebel alliance needs to have B-wings added to the airbase.

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No one stratergy is strongest and no Civ is strongest overall.


There is hardly and difference in these really just my personal preference based on my experience.


T1 - Strongest is Trade Fed, Weakest are Naboo.

T2 - Strongest are Rebels, Weakest are Wookies.

T3 - Strongest are Naboo or Confederacy, Weakest are Trade Fed.

T4 - Strongest are Naboo, Weakest are Confederacy.


In T4 Confederacy can beat Naboo. These are just my personal preferences.


Also i don't understand Crazy_dog no.3 and lukeiamyourdad saying Naboo over rely on air units. They do have good air but you can still easily win games without using there air. They have decent enough mechs, good ships, best UU and good Masters.

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The most underpowered civilization in my opinion is the empire. They rely on strong mechs and heavy weapons. There shipyard, troop center, and air units stink. I wish they got rid of heavy weapons factorys in certain civ.'s. Pummels, anti-air mobiles and artillery are not apart of the star wars movies at least the rebel alliance and empire. They only started making heavy weapons for the video games. I don't even remember heavy weapons units in the novels. Empire needs better air and better troopers. Tie Advanced, Imperial Lamda Class Shuttle and several kinds of trooper units need to be added. Rebel alliance needs to have B-wings added to the airbase.

Let me start off by syaing that the empire only excels in mechs. Whereas one may see this as a hinderence, i see it in a different light. The empire is dead center standard for sith, troops, heavies, air, and econ very accurately portaying the fact that, in its immense military, the empire had its foot firmly planted in all waters. This makes the empire a very versatile civ, able to undertake any unit line or stategy.


Joe, youre ideas (both here and elsewhere) suggest that you want to make the empire an incredibly strong civ, seeing that their your favorite. But, this isnt balanced. If the comp were to draw the empire vs. your civ, you would lose miserably. And if you play empire vs. an nonempire opponent that the game would be too easy and thus no fun.

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Hey, joesdomain, sith has a point. The empire is nicely balanced and your ideas would make it far too powerful.


Hmm....... this doesn't seem to be going very well. All civs are fairly well balanced, I guess. Scratch my idea then. :(

Unless more people tell me why a certain civ is unbalanced... :)

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Originally posted by CorranSec

Hey, joesdomain, sith has a point. The empire is nicely balanced and your ideas would make it far too powerful.


Hmm....... this doesn't seem to be going very well. All civs are fairly well balanced, I guess. Scratch my idea then. :(

Unless more people tell me why a certain civ is unbalanced... :)

Take the short cut and set it as a proposal for a possible SWGB II. Nothing's guaranteed for it anyway so it's better to get it in ahead of time.



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Also i don't understand Crazy_dog no.3 and lukeiamyourdad saying Naboo over rely on air units. They do have good air but you can still easily win games without using there air. They have decent enough mechs, good ships, best UU and good Masters.


I know they do but as quoted under their strengh : air, sea and jedis.


In theory, the naboo are the weakest and that's simply because their ground force sucks. I know you can win without aircraft but if you oppose for exemple the empire you would get wiped out pretty easily. Masters won't change the balance in their favor just because they are pretty costly. All of their strenghs are costly units.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad


I know they do but as quoted under their strengh : air, sea and jedis.


In theory, the naboo are the weakest and that's simply because their ground force sucks. I know you can win without aircraft but if you oppose for exemple the empire you would get wiped out pretty easily. Masters won't change the balance in their favor just because they are pretty costly. All of their strenghs are costly units.


Normal army in T4 for Empire is mostly mech destroyers, AT-AT's and maybe some Repeaters. I'd love a GE player to attack me with this army if i was Naboo. I would put down 6 Mech factories and mass mech destroyers and Hvy Strikers. I'd drop a couple of Troop centres and get 10+ Grenaders and then i'd get loads of Royal Crusaders. Crusaders have 500health when FU. This naboo army would easily kill the GE Army. Even if the empire player includes so Strike mechs and heavy weapons the Naboo player would win.


It's common among Low inters and rookies that Naboo mechs are worst in the game because they don't have Hvy Mech destroyer. This is wrong. :eek: They have better Mechs than Rebels and wookies and are equal if not better than Confederacy or republic. The only thing Naboo suck with are troop centre units and heavy weapons.

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You forget about the dark trooper...and sith masters and hvy weapons. I know you said ''normal'' armies but that is my normal army(I use any useful units under my command) masters can take care of the royal crusaders pretty easily and they are backed up by darktroopers and strikes without talking about the AT-ATs and At-Sts.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

You forget about the dark trooper...and sith masters and hvy weapons. I know you said ''normal'' armies but that is my normal army(I use any useful units under my command) masters can take care of the royal crusaders pretty easily and they are backed up by darktroopers and strikes without talking about the AT-ATs and At-Sts.


The Darktrooper is a strong unit which is beaten by Naboo air and Naboo Strike mechs.


The Masters are average and Naboo has strongest and cheapest Bounty hunters.


Royal Crusaders are like a hot knife through butter against Heavy Weapons.


My Jedi's could counter your strike mechs.



Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

The naboo have, in CC, a solid ground army, but, Ewok, it is not nearly as powerful as you make it seem. The things you said were very costly and most "good" games dont go as deep in t4 as you are saying. You probably are coming for a DM standpoint though


Im an RMer and there aren't many people on the zone who can beat me. I can be at pop limit with 100 mech army in under and hour preety easy.


Before T4 there is hardly any difference between civs except for the Bonuses anyway.


Im not wanting you all too accept that Naboo are the best civ and the only ones worth playing. But they definatly aren't weak. If you don't believe me play a few games with them and you'll be suprised.

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