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Guest Admiral Thrawn

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

not only that, but why is the number 117 on the interface twice?


It mus be unit #117 but they haven't done the interface art for it yet. :D

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Guest Bifficvs

Could it just be a generic Jedi? Or will all of them be specific? yeah, and the 117 is just to take the place of the pic that goes there, cause they're not done with it.

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does anyone know the date of when these pics are taken? if you look at a screenshot involving wookies, you'll notice red splotches. from the E3 movies, units that died turned into red splotches, and since then the units will imitate those in AoK when they die. i'm wondering if these pics aren't that new...



here's the link





sept. 1 is the date on the hyperlink, but i'm wondering if that's the site's post date or the actual date of their testing with this game?

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Guest die rebel scum
with this thought in mind, AoK players, doesn't this game look way too similar? the Aok engine was great, but i'm hoping there's enough innovation to this other than the air units and unique unit art to make this game a little distinguished from totally being an AoK clone....




nay if it is kinda to much like aok then u can get some flying units to end that feeling

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with this thought in mind, AoK players, doesn't this game look way too similar? the Aok engine was great, but i'm hoping there's enough innovation to this other than the air units and unique unit art to make this game a little distinguished from totally being an AoK clone....


Have you read the mr. fixit preview? It lists all the major differences... can somebody link it?

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Originally posted by Felix29


Have you read the mr. fixit preview? It lists all the major differences... can somebody link it?


umm, yes i have. i was actually the first one to bring up those mr. fixit online issues more than a month ago. however, these pics i believe are not that new so there will hopefully be some innovative style to them.....

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