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Guest Admiral Thrawn

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yep, thrawns right, although i'm not sure exactly how that will work. Maybe you control the naboo half of the missions, and the gungans the other. Or maybe you are the gunngans, and the naboo are the ai but fight alongside. I don't know. Either way would be cool i think.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

The one thing I don't understand on the campaigns is that the beginers campaign has Chewie and the Wookies,BUT Qui-Gon is you guide. Anyone else find that a bit strange?


No, he is trying to help the wookies, and is a friend of Atticukuk.....Attiukituk.......Attikikittuk......Chewy's father.

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Originally posted by Admiral Odin

I don't think so. In a preview I saw it said the gungans were in a civ war type of campaing.


admiral, i read that too where the gungans are in a civil war with some other gungan guy, i don't remember the name. i'm wondering if you can control both civs (gungan/naboo) in certain segments of the gungan campaign so that you can emass 400 units max on your side - 200 gungan/200 naboo (starcraft had this).

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