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WIP: Optimus Prime, By Sithlordii and me...


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justice angel , that clip was brilliant, wow i thought it was an actual car then it does its transformation :eek:


looks real, but on a bad note i always woundered where they got there weapons from....looked like he pulled it outta his a**e :D slightly disturbing :(



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First off, thanks for the compliment Fat_101. Next, just because of the forum and this model, I began going over jk2 models this morning. Gotta keep up with the world.


Anyway, I won't touch the Transformers. DOn't want to muck up the lineage started here. I'll do the Thundercatsthough. Already got the Sword of Omens hilt, so the player models were just next in line.

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"Coming through people, stand aside please!"


Boy, it was hard pushing my way through all those praising comments. Now to get down to it. I see this more and more on these threads everyday and it's starting to make me sick. Everyone giving praise, but not a single person dares to criticize. Well, I plan to put a stop to that because everyone needs it; it only makes us all better artists.


I'm notorious for attention to detail (not replicating it, but seeing it). AND I was of the generation to first lay eyes on the Generation one series of Transformers and have never let it leave my site. I'm still collecting the toys/figures in fact. Just got my Prowl G1 Takara re-issue in it's collectors edition box. I wasn't going to open it, but I feel it necessary because by the looks of it they molded it all in plastic. Bad Monkeys!


Anyway, I'm thrilled there's an Optimus model on its way to jk2, however there are a few minor areas on the model that could use some serious touch up to make it look more like the G1 Optimus.


First, the grill the section of his waist that would be considered the hips of the model should be raised a bit as the "hips" are the headlights of Optimus when in truck mode and are joined to the grill.


Second, those cubes on the sides of his legs...? I know it's based on DW but that was one of many drawings they have of Optimus, not to mention there are SOOooo many generations of the character itself. The look you're going for is the original, so those cubes should be cylinders. Go take a look at a real Mac truck and notice those big chrome barrels near the wheels (and sometimes under the cab I believe; used for a step). Speaking of wheels...


...let us not forget (or here's a lesson for all of you youngsters out there), Optimus is a truck! Trucks have wheels! Again, I saw the blueprint drawing of Optimus by DW comics, but it's just a rendition. One I'm not too fond of.


Lastly, those ugly feet. Optimus never had boots. His trailer hitch became his legs and feet. Those metal sneakers you gave him don't make him look like he could turn into a truck either. Dreamwave made a really kick @s$ poster of Optimus with his right leg HUGELY defined by foreshortening. There is the perfect example of what his feet should look like. The tail lights for the truck end up becoming the "tips of his toes" and sit flush with the form of his legs when pointed straight down. Let's not forget the apparent detail where the ankle joint is...it's much like a link in a wrist-watch band.


I think your team is very talented, but if you're going to introduce a character that's been around for 20 years, a bit of research and some major thinking/decision making are in order.

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hmmm psynex you are wrong ish. The model was based off the cartoon. So the point about wheels is mute as they disappear when he transforms and also the feet look like that in the cartoon. The point about the box on the side of his shin is good tho... but I don't think it's really a big deal. It doesn't detract and keeps the polycount down. look at this site-



the DW stlye skin I did and I emphasize STLYE. Is just inspired by the comic and since the model is the cartoon version I can't make it exactly the same and I don't want to either.... think of it as more of the jk2 incarnation of optimus if anything.


I rest my case. I would of course be happy to accpet crit on my skinning technique. But saying it is wrong in terms of what it looks like isn't really so good in this particular case. And the artist should be allowed some creative freedom. Look at what Pat Lee did in the Dreamwave comics... they look very different there. This is really just another incarnation of optimus BASED on the cartoon.


and I think it is very rude saying we didn't do any research. i also own the toys and the cartoons on tape and the movie and I downloaded a huge amount of reference images to help me out. I tried very hard to make it as acurate as posible and I am afraid that you are going to have to likei t or lump it.


I apologise in advance if this is rude but I have been up on my feet 10-10 today and I am very tired.



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Whoa man, how can you diss this model by sayin it's "incorrect". This is extremely accurate. It's based on the cartoon. Besides it's their interpretation of Optimus Prime. I personally think it's a shame that they just make these models for a living because they're both top notch modelers/skinners. Great job guys. I'll have to say that's gonna be my favorite model because as a young kid, I was a Transformer Finatic (and also praise god it isn't optimus Primal. Beast Wars was kewl but Optimus Primal looked gay in it and Beast Machines (the sequal to Beast Wars) sucked ass).

And now to JusticeAngel, holy god that video is freakin awesome.

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few addons to what arco said


Psynex said:

"AND I was of the generation to first lay eyes on the Generation one series of Transformers "


just what generation, exactly, do you think arco and myself are from?

i still have a few of the original TF's kicking around, not re-issues...


and arco is right, the wheel point only has meaning if we planned to base him off the toy... on that respect optimus is faithful to the cartoon.

The skin there is based on DW but the model is based upon the cartoon. There will be a full cartoon skin included as well.


the shin part is a good crit but i went with the current shape because from the source images i had from the show, when he is in robot form, those parts really do look quite square - so for polycount sake, i kept it low.

and i personally do consider your assumptions a bit rude, too. I have absolutely no problems with constructive criticism, but your position was a bit abrasive. Do you think we were asking for all these "praise" posts you seem to be so angry about?


"Everyone giving praise, but not a single person dares to criticize. Well, I plan to put a stop to that because everyone needs it; it only makes us all better artists."


Why weren't you doing this before? why now? and will you only criticize transformers models?


i don't mean to scare you off at all dude, i'm not angry or anything but one suggestion; for future crits, just be as honest as possible and dont try to position it as anything else. Point out areas that can be improved and give suggestions, like you did in your post, but don't make incorrect assumptions about the people working on it. Work with what you know and not with what you assume, it makes the crits much more valid and the author will be more willing to listen to it.



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sithlord-II said:

"Why weren't you doing this before? why now? and will you only criticize transformers models?"


im assuming he didnt post earlier because he was waiting for criticism but only found praise, so he got all mad and had enough of this nice and happy thread and posted. and i doubt he would ONLY criticize transformer models, he just feels the need to because he sees himself as an expert in the "field" (and i wouldnt deny this).


but thats only my opinion, and i like to consider all sides of a story.

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Ok. I have two statements. I didn't mean to sound rude before. I'm just a bit of a blunt person sometimes. I also didn't realize it was just the skin that was based on DW comics, which is why I pointed out the wheels and feet. Even though it's true to the cartoon, that cartoon had a lot of anomalies in it. Why they never drew on the wheels in robot form I'll never know, but the point is they should have been there. And an "honest" criticism for you is I think the wheels will better balance the bulk of the model. The lower half looks a bit "small" in conjunction to the torso. Plus it's more for your eyes to look at. The grey boxes on his legs would look nicer as the cylinders they should be. Even the link above show them. But if there were tires there, leaving them as boxes wouldn't be as recognizable.


Secondly, I have criticized other models too, I didn't just start with this one. Take a look at kman's Samus Aran thread if you don't believe me.


I'm not a bad guy really; I'm not here to make any enemies. I would expect the same on any of my models had I a place to post pictures. That statement about doing research came out all wrong too. I simply meant going over the many different generations and renditions of various artists and picking out the best visual aspects to make the model. Despite what I said I can understand cutting back on the legs now, but couldn't you add the wheels as part of the highest level of detail? I plan on getting the new Radeon 9700 so I don't expect it to be pushed to it's limits too easily.


So I appologize for my abrupt tone and leading peoople to think I was "dissing".


I still think the hips area should be raised more flush with the grill though as they are a part of each other.


On a side note, someone mentioned the Sword of Omens? I have a model in the works if someone wants to see pics. I was going for high poly on this one though to add meshmooth for a Blizzard quality render. But some optimization could be done if anyone wanted to use it in jk2.

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hey psynex, no worries


i may still perhaps modify the tanks on the legs for the lower poly/detailed version, and for the cel-shaded, i will leave it the same, because well, it probably won't be noticed on that one...

I did modify the hips slightly to raise its top up a bit towards the grill, the hips were a bit small compared to the actual cartoon.


i had considered putting wheels on there too, but i think for now, i will leave them off, it would make a neat detail... perhaps in future if i play around with it, but i kinda wanted to have it look more like the cartoon version, regardless of anomalies (of which there were a good deal, but hey, i didn't care... it was great nonetheless)


what is funny, is i think that the bottom half is almost bigger than the top because of the length - seen from the side, i gave the legs appropriate bulk to even it out


don't worry, i believe you have given crits for other stuff, i just haven't been around the forums in a while, so i have lost track of who is around here...


i'm not around here to make enemies, i'd sooner be able to work with and for the other guys here in the forums than fight with them, including yourself. I do hope to get more crits from you and others in future, instead of either those two great opinions "THAT SUCKS" or "OMG YUO R A GOD!!! MAEK ME THIS MODLE PLS PLS"


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Well said.

I'll back you up in that you were right to take a little offense to some of that, but no worries Psynex. I know you didn't really mean to sound that rude. Good crit is not rude, but questioning their research efforts... aah any way that's over with.

I'm just glad that none of you are going to hold it against eachother for a few words typed here and there ;)

Lets face it, when involving things from this "generation" (And I believe that we share roughly the same one) not many topics will grow more passionate than Star Wars and Transformers ;)


On that note... Sith,

Will you be using an invisible pole to get Prime's size right?

-Just kidding :p

Have you begun any weighting on him yet? I was just wondering if there were any tricks you were planning to attempt to use, in order to get a certain rigid style of movement (Of course within the constraints of the JK2 Engine)

Just curious about that part of the process, as I know you're a bit of a pro at it.




The empire... more than meets the eyes. Han and Luke... rebels in disguise.

(ooh that was bad)

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dang invisible pole, coming back to attack me in the ass.


Of course if you were serious, i'd have to break something very very soon. (Well, tomorrow is my last day at my old job, and we do have a bunch of broken Xboxes and PS2's in the back room... )




ah, the good old invisible pole legacy... i think that should go down as an infamous bit of JK2 modeling lore



but i have started on some test weighting, i have a few options on hand - one is to actually have each model part or otherwise be physically modeled to each part of the skeleton (ie physically broken at each part to give it a more mechanical look)

so say, the upper torso, just above the grill, would be linked to upper_lumbar, and such

whereas most of the other parts would be linked to each corresponding part, and for areas that rotate in the middle (thigh, forearm, and such), perhaps break the model at a specific point to allow for that part to actually rotate independently (that way we don't get a bending metal effect on his limbs...)

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BTW that praise thing was directed at the masses, not at the team. Just so you know. Sith said it best when he posted "I do hope to get more crits from you and others in future, instead of either those two great opinions "THAT SUCKS" or "OMG YUO R A GOD!!! MAEK ME THIS MODLE PLS PLS"



Anywho, for weighting, I'd say seperate parts is good. Maybe just rigid assignments at the shoulders, elbows, knees and ankle (much like the Half-Life animation system). But I think the hips area should be done more fluidly. You wouldn't want the grill seperating itself. The shoulders should move in conjunction so I don't know what you would do there. In the cartoon his abs and hips section could "flex" slightly I'm pretty sure. Just his upper body is a cab so his shoulders shouldn't be independently moveable.

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hey doooods. i been busy. i hope these pics make you feel a little better psynex. i have changed a few things and have been adding detail till my arse hurts!


here is a nice wallpaper for those with 56k (myself included)-




and here is a HUGE render and i mean HUGE well over 2000 pixels high. This is so you can look at all teh details and just see him big... like he should be. You may well have problems downloading this as it is huge....




i'm still working on him adding bits here and there etc... it will be PERFECT!



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way ahead of you psynex - i will have to weight the hips area a bit more fluidly, especially the top of the legs, too, as they come into the hips - otherwise they will clip and seperate like crazy


i will be playinga round with him a bit more tonite (busy today...



but i should have a somewhat screwy version working ingame soon, and after that, i will touch it up more


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Yeaj, looking great. But what about making Scourge from the RID series out of the evil Optimus. The textures would just need some turquise on some places, and if you want to make an own model for Scourge it would be even better.

There are not many differences between Optimus and Scourge, so I think a new model would be too much work (it's easy to write that :D )

I have found some pics for you, so you can see what changes would have to be made.

Front: http://thetransportal.hypermart.net/RID_Scourge_7.JPG

Back: http://thetransportal.hypermart.net/RID_Scourge_8.JPG

close-up: http://thetransportal.hypermart.net/RID_Scourge_12.JPG

img: http://www.transfandom.net/rid/NEWTECHS/BBC-C.jpg





And here is Scourge's head compared to Optimus'



What do you say? Is it possible? And would you like to do it after Optiumus is finished?

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Originally posted by Psynex

BTW that praise thing was directed at the masses, not at the team. Just so you know. Sith said it best when he posted "I do hope to get more crits from you and others in future, instead of either those two great opinions "THAT SUCKS" or "OMG YUO R A GOD!!! MAEK ME THIS MODLE PLS PLS"



heh, I guess I do that alot ;)


Love the Evil Optimus skin Arco :D Are you going to put a Decepticon symbol on him?




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Acro those skins look great. As for critisism I wish I could help you out and give you some but as far as I can tell that looks almost exactly as he does in the comic and the cartoon. As said there has always been variations so every artist is going to have there own style wether it be 2d art or 3d art. As far as making a decepticon I think megatron would be better than galvatron since Megatron and Optimus Prime were arch enimies. Im pretty sure if I remeber right Megatron became Galvatron in a pit of lava sort of like anakin to Vader.:rolleyes:

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