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State of ProMod beta 3


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I've just finished laying the groundwork for the jetpack effects. I now have the jetpack sound in and working, so now I have to create the visuals to go along with them. I'll probably borrow heavily from the missile trail effects.


I did come across a bug today while testing that involves client numbers getting switched around when someone hosts a listen server, and then someone joins. It seems as if the two players get their weapon skills swapped for a few kills, then it sorts itself out somehow. This doesn't seem to happen on dedicated servers for some reason.


I've got a couple of other things I need to hunt down as well, but I think they're minor. Once they're out of the way, I'll be doing some gameplay balance adjustment based on my own play experience and that of my beta testers. After that,...well it should be time for my one last, massive, closed beta with the former DSBR team and probably some members of SM clan. Some final tweaking/bug fixing and it'll be time for release!

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Any chance of including the 2 extra saber stances, dual wield, or the double-bladed saber in a future release beyond beta 3? Of course it would require extensive testing to achieve the perfect balance, but additions like that really attract players who would rather not get involved with such a "technical" mod. Right now in jedimod and the gajillion jedipluses, dual wield and double-bladed sabers are so off-balanced that I avoid using them because they usually ruin duels. I'm sure lots of cool stuff could be done with them to make playing with an extra blade a totally different experience.

It might be worth a try sometime down the road...if it doesn't work out in testing you could always scrap the idea.

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I don't think going to crazy with all the extra stuff is a good idea. Iwas sceptacle at first when Artifex said he was including jetpack, but when I found out it took mad points it was alright. Having extra sabers and stuff shouldn't even be considered until new animations are made (yes I know all about the tools problem)

Thats been the downfall of many mods, too much stuff, trying to cater for everyone. I like the way its sounding though, only things I think should be added for future are more stances and more force powers, speaking of extra force powers..............:D

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Ok guys. You've been waiting to hear this for a while.


I am only a few work-hours away from completing version 3.0


Promod 3.0 is completely bug-free as of right now. All outstanding issues that I or my beta testers have found have been dealt with. From my beta testing thus far, the gameplay balance between jedi vs. jedi and jedi vs. gunner is just phenomenal. Both dark and light side jedi have several tactics that they can use to overcome a jetpacking gunner, as the gunner has tactical options against jedi. Lazarous and I actually argued for a very long time on Sunday over whether a dark jedi or a gunner was more powerful. I realized after 3 hours (!) of playing that neither of us had budged an inch on what we thought, and that is an extremely good sign!


What's left to do:

1. Complete the jetpack thruster visual effect ( a few hours of work probably ).

2. Modify the bot behavior files so that Jedi don't use guns they shouldn't be able to use ( should be super quick change ).

2. Final balance adjustments. (speeding up the backstab animations just a hair, lowering level 4 damage for the Golan, increasing lightning range just slightly, increasing self-inflicted splash damage for guns -- all these will be very quick changes.)

3. Write the readme file. ( God, the list of changes is going to be huuuuge )


That's it. Everything else is complete.


Assuming I don't get f*cked over by my game server ISP again (freakin ILAN...) when I try to release, I should be on schedule for Wednesday or Thursday of this week.


One thing that I've found that is super-weird: 1v1, Jedi v. Gunner CTF is really, really fun. Especially on CTF_Bespin. Pulling a jetpacker over a pit just as he runs out of jetpack fuel is really a hoot. Then again, shooting a jedi over a pit in mid-jump so he runs out of inertia and falls is a hoot, too. :)

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Originally posted by Toonces

Good to hear 3.0 is coming to a head :D Quick question for you. What's the status of my Jetpack model? I assume you found a way to bolt it on properly but I haven't heard directly from you so I thought I'd ask.


Haven't actually given it a shot yet. The workload on 3.0 was just too much to try getting it in for this release. I'm going to start tinkering with it first thing once the 3.0 release is out though. I've actually got it written on a list for 3.1. That should give you time to get the texture maps together for it, also. So get to work! (whipcrack!) :D

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Cool Art :) Yeah, I've got some base colors laid down and a little of the shading done, but I still have quite a bit more to do. I'll keep you posted.


Oh, don't hesitate to ask if you need something else to be modeled. As your aware I'm a big fan of the mod so anything you need, just give me a shout :D

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This mod is quite going to be quite a blast.I guess I'll use Jedi first, :slsaber: because I'll relish my Mind Trick to fight against those gunner bots :p unless they can hear me,which bots don't usually do.:D


However,would we Jedi,if we don't spend points on guns,can we even run through and pick guns?Just curious,though.

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Originally posted by Kainite

Yes yes its me again, and yes I'm asking about the new force power(s) AGAIN. I've had to come to the daunting realisation that you're not gonna tell me :( but you say you've pretty much finished so you have implemented it/them right ?


I thought long and hard about it, but no, i'm not going to implement the new power in 3.0. There's just too much new stuff in there already. If you've ever written software, you know that the more changes you put into a system, the more likely it is to break. My highest priority is getting the new skill-based classing system out there and available in a bug-free release. Once that's done, then I'll start looking at what else needs to be done.


Don't worry. There's actually 2 new powers that are on my list for implementation, both of which are neutral powers.

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Originally posted by Toonces

Cool Art :) Yeah, I've got some base colors laid down and a little of the shading done, but I still have quite a bit more to do. I'll keep you posted.


Oh, don't hesitate to ask if you need something else to be modeled. As your aware I'm a big fan of the mod so anything you need, just give me a shout :D


Actually, is your Mace Windu model finished? If so, I'd like to stick that in the Promod Media pack along with your Kit Fisto model if that's cool with you. If you've got bot files for them that'd be even better!

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Originally posted by zerowingzero

Edit2: Two new powers? What about my suggestion of none, and just tweak the ones we have! i'm runing out of space with the arrow keys!


Yeah, that is a bit of a problem, isn't it? I don't even have a single key left within reach of my left hand in my jedi setup. I'll make sure to keep press and hold buttons to a minimum.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

Actually, is your Mace Windu model finished? If so, I'd like to stick that in the Promod Media pack along with your Kit Fisto model if that's cool with you. If you've got bot files for them that'd be even better!


Sure, your more than welcome to include them both in the media pack :D Mace will be finished in the next few days I hope. I just have some minor tweaks left to do

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Originally posted by inbredyokel

I hope your planned force powers include a way to safely slow a fall...but then again, that could also be done by tweaking push to work differently while facing downward.


Nope, no plans for a slow fall power. Light Jedi can already use the Protection power to render themselves nearly immune to falling damage.


Does seem pretty silly that you can jump eight storeys in the air and come down without mishap, but you can't just step off a three storey ledge without taking damage when you land. I may look at altering this as an extension of Force Jump.

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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

However,would we Jedi,if we don't spend points on guns,can we even run through and pick guns?Just curious,though.

No, though I hope it's still open to discussion. Read the posts on this thread one page earlier.


ArtifeX, have you ever considered opening your skill tree a little bit? As it stands now, anyone with lvl 3 in ANY gun skill can only have lvl 1 in the force, max. Are you sure hybrids are viable with those restructions? I mean, they already have to split their limited number of points into both force AND guns.


I love the jedi and gunner classes, but many players will no doubt expect to make powerful combination builds as well. And it's good to make the game as customizable as possible, without 99% of devient builds being sucky.


Idunno, all I've tested so far in beta 3 are gunners and jedi... no hybrids. So I guess I can't say if they're worthless, but I got a feeling they might not be able to survive with the current skill restrictions. Would hybrids be too gosu if they could have lvl 3 guns and lvl 2 force at the same time?

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i've been following this thread for a while now, haven't posted, but am VERY excited about what you're doing here ArtifeX. i just saw the post on jediknightii.net, i had to come over and ask a couple questions ...


there is going to be a jetpack supported with the mod ... i think i read that toonces was going to be making the model for it ... are there pics where we may see the jetpack? i scrolled through this thread many times, and cannot seem to find it. is this something that is going to be kept secret until promod's release?




whatever the status of the jetpack, the accomplishments you have made with this project of yours absolutely astound me. i thank you for all of your time and effort in creating something for the JK2 community. and i for one am eagerly awaiting it release.


thanks again, ArtifeX. :D

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Okay, I just returned from the big promod CTF match scheduled for tonight... played for about 3 hours. Plenty of hybrids were attempted by people and they seemed to perform quite well, though most hybrid players hadn't figured out the new strengths and weaknesses of the system yet. More testing will prove for sure, but to me it seems the promod skill tree is fine as is, for now. Yay.

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God I loved the match tonight. It was rather FUN playing a gunner without being Boris and saying "I am invincible!" For the area being covered in these maps, I think the jetpack does rather well. However, in a larger map, a jedi with speed and full jump will outdo the jetpack. So perhaps the jetpack could use a thrust variable?

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True the jetpack is outclassed by a jedi with speed and jump. (If you seen me bunny hop, you know it does outclass it.) Maybe the first boost could be worth a regular jump of some sort. Today's CTF match was awesome. When it comes to pure jedi and gunners, it's pretty balanced. I don't know about the mixed though, although my current build works a bit.

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Originally posted by Moradivh

No, though I hope it's still open to discussion. Read the posts on this thread one page earlier.


ArtifeX, have you ever considered opening your skill tree a little bit? As it stands now, anyone with lvl 3 in ANY gun skill can only have lvl 1 in the force, max. Are you sure hybrids are viable with those restructions? I mean, they already have to split their limited number of points into both force AND guns.


I love the jedi and gunner classes, but many players will no doubt expect to make powerful combination builds as well. And it's good to make the game as customizable as possible, without 99% of devient builds being sucky.


Idunno, all I've tested so far in beta 3 are gunners and jedi... no hybrids. So I guess I can't say if they're worthless, but I got a feeling they might not be able to survive with the current skill restrictions. Would hybrids be too gosu if they could have lvl 3 guns and lvl 2 force at the same time?


OGC was using a hybrid class last night to great effect on ctf_bespin. He had level 2 guns and level 2 powers. He was combining speed/rage with a Golan to make flag runs and was doing so with a great deal of success. I can also see someone with level 2 mind trick and a Golan/Repeater/RL being very successful.


Time will tell.

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