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State of ProMod beta 3


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I've dug up a few good skin packs over the months, but the best of them are pretty standard issue, and the older ones I can't even find online anymore.


What's on your list so far, ArtifeX? Don't wanna bother recommending stuff that's already there. And since I've never played competative team games, a few examples of your standards wouldn't hurt.

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Originally posted by Moradivh

I've dug up a few good skin packs over the months, but the best of them are pretty standard issue, and the older ones I can't even find online anymore.


What's on your list so far, ArtifeX? Don't wanna bother recommending stuff that's already there. And since I've never played competative team games, a few examples of your standards wouldn't hurt.


I haven't gotten an official list together yet. I'm waiting to get as much input as possible before I sit down to look at the maps. Recommend away!

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Here's a few team packs you could try if you haven't already. Most have bot support, though the AI on some might benefit from tweaking. I don't think any replace the game's original skins but I honestly can't remember. Oh, and the team colors are less obvious on some than others, hope they'll do.


Movie models


Emperor Palpatine/Lord Sidious

Ki-Adi Mundi VM

Anakin Solo

Sith Learner


Rogue Jan

Kit Fisto

Lady Brena

Raith Daggos

Dash Rendar

President Skroob (heh heh)


There's also dozens of really good skins without team colors out there. They might do well for a duel/rpg pack, but for the sake of realism I won't drown you with the links right now. :)

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Some good suggestions here. Many of them I've already been through and would give a thumbs up.


MAKE CERTAIN THEY HAVE BOT SUPPORT! The support should be at least 'decent'. Making BOTs act intellegently is pretty hard, so I think we can allow for that. But we still want them to be at least kind of challenging.


I've previewed some very nice maps, and I was so bummed because they had no BOT support. A map without BOT support is UNFINISHED! Finish the map and then make it available so we can enjoy it.


The most impressive map I've seen so far has been "Imperial Installation" (CTF_WLS4) by Expandable at Wired Lamp Studios. It's just first rate work!

It's big, without wasting space.

It's well detailed and interesting to look at.

It makes great use of ambient sounds to give the map 'atmosphere'.

The BOT support is the best I've seen.


Best of all, I can play up to 10 BOTs on my 2 year old computer and STILL get a decent framerate and great gameplay! A LOT of maps can't say that! None of the other maps in the Wired Lamp Studio Map Pack play nearly as good as this one. And they all have choppy framerates -which means they're too clunky and CPU hungry to be very usable.



Another GREAT one is "Coruscant Promenade" by Starunner.web1000.com . It's great for ALL the same reasons that "Imperial Installation" (CTF_WLS4) is great!


These two are without a doubt 'A-List' maps -worthy of the ProMod Community of Elite Jedi :slsaber: (Grrrroovy, baby!)

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

The most impressive map I've seen so far has been "Imperial Installation" (CTF_WLS4) by Expandable at Wired Lamp Studios. It's just first rate work!

It's big, without wasting space.

It's well detailed and interesting to look at.

It makes great use of ambient sounds to give the map 'atmosphere'.

The BOT support is the best I've seen.


Best of all, I can play up to 10 BOTs on my 2 year old computer and STILL get a decent framerate and great gameplay! A LOT of maps can't say that! None of the other maps in the Wired Lamp Studio Map Pack play nearly as good as this one. And they all have choppy framerates -which means they're too clunky and CPU hungry to be very usable.


Pretty map, badly designed. The best CTF maps i've seen are the two recent releases over at Massassi


As for the bot support, its VERY easy to make bot support if the map has no complicated areas, my open request for botroutes for Bespin Towers has yet to be answered :(

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ


Pretty map, badly designed.


my open request for botroutes for Bespin Towers has yet to be answered :(


Well let's all hope that it gets answered soon. Nice map!


As for "Pretty map, badly designed", help me out here. What are the short comings?

I claim stupidity on this issue...




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The main problem is the fact that the only way to get the flag is by the jumppads or force jump. This has two repercussions:


1) The map encourages pull-whores which for me and a lot of people removes the fun from the game, its the general consensus that you should at least need to use a weapon to defend in CTF, not just tap one button repeatedly.


2) The elevated position of the flag platform means its very difficult to check it for mines, and also quite difficult to shoot the mines if you actually see them. This is a rare example of a map where its TOO easy to defend.


CTF maps are rarely good (mine isn't particularly good) especially in JK2 because of two factors: flag-room layout and item placement.


Flag rooms have to be designed so that its neither too easy nor too hard to take the flag, difficulty of capture should be proportional to the skill of the enemy.


With Bespin Towers I got lucky, it was my Radiant learning map and the only reason its popular is because it has interesting vertical gameplay, that being said the flag-area was very badly designed.


Incidently I am planning to remake Bespin Towers with a new layout, flag-room etc but i'm going to try and retain the vertical gameplay.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

The main problem is the fact that the only way to get the flag is by the jumppads or force jump.


I don't think we're talking about the same levels, Detritic. There aren't any jumppads that I am aware of in Imperial InstallationCTF_WLS4. I think you may be talking about CTF_WLS3. I don't care for that one as much. Plus, the bot support sucks, and the framerate is too choppy on my machine!

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If you are adding a jetpack to the mod, i would suggest the map "Sand Arena 2".

The people over at TheForce.net discovered that this was a great combination.

You can read a review of the map (together with the already existing jetpack mod) here:



and you can get the map here:


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Originally posted by pakmannen

If you are adding a jetpack to the mod, i would suggest the map "Sand Arena 2".

The people over at TheForce.net discovered that this was a great combination.

You can read a review of the map (together with the already existing jetpack mod) here:



and you can get the map here:



Looks interesting from the review. The balance should be a bit better without the jetpackmod-style jetpack. Promod's is more like Tribes 2 in physics and fuel management.

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Here's a few more decent team skins:


Battledriod MP

Han Solo

Royal Guard, Carnor Jax, Kir Kanos



Strangely I couldn't find energytrooper on JK2.net, where I downloaded it last week. The skin's fully animated and has a lot of effects, so maybe it confuses some machines. Looks great on mine. Who knows.


On a different subject, I've been chopping bots in beta 3 for the last few days (I find they're more challenging now for some reason). Several "you can't pick up this item" messages later, I get this idea. Would it be possible to make any items you can't use destructable?


This is pretty low priority, but as a saber fighter I'm used to picking up every gun and gadget I come across, simply to rob them from my enemies for a time. It's kinda frustrating not being able to do that anymore, as it saved me a death or two in most games. Besides it's not like guns take forever to respawn.


If you can't let me smash what I don't understand, at least allow me to steal said items. Jedi aren't such neanderthals that they can't even pick up a gadget. :)

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Originally posted by Moradivh

If you can't let me smash what I don't understand, at least allow me to steal said items. Jedi aren't such neanderthals that they can't even pick up a gadget. :)



Ah but you can, found this out while playing laz, simply buy lv1 of said gun and you can take it and it's ammo all you like, very simple and very effective to cut off that supply of det packs ;)

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destructible objects would be very very cool. it would finally alow me to destroy those shield and health power ups that are near fighting locations which everyone seems to run for as soon as their health is low. so now when they run for it, I can throw my saber at them and swish... power up no more, time to die like a big old boy now :)


Promod and bot fights are definitely wierd. I found out I can beat mutliple bots at the same time if I allways use yellow and run at them hacking and slashing like a blind bat. If I try to actually fight well though, they kill me quite often. There is this one darth maul bot on a server that really pisses me off :)

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ok, i dont have the time to wade through 150 posts in this thread, so ill just ask now...


is there going to be a hilt selector? i think one of the things that improves gameplay is adding your own touches to the game. also, does the blade colour look fatter now? i hate the one that came with jedimod, its far too thin. looks like you are fighting with a piece of straw.

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Originally posted by Moradivh

Well yeah, but I'd like to save my skill points for stuff I'll actually use. Though you do have a point... I suppose that's one of the few reasons you'd bother investing in lvl 1 for any skill.


This was done on purpose. I'd like for jedi to kill gunners by playing well and overcoming them than by denying the gunner resources. This could especially become a problem in TFFA, where one team full of Jedi could just camp the spawn point for each major weapon. Jedi essentially spawn fully armed with saber and force powers, and the gunners spawn with only the bryar pistol.


This is also the gunner's main defense against having his weapon Pulled. If you Pull a gun, but don't have at least level 1 in that weapon skill, then you can't pick up their dropped weapon, which allows them to pick it back up if you let them get to it.


The fact that you'll feel conflicted about buying level 1 weapon skills to counteract this is most definitely by design. Yes, you'll be more effective against gunners, but you'll have a minor disadvantage when fighting against a full-bore Jedi.

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Originally posted by ksk h2o


Promod and bot fights are definitely wierd. I found out I can beat mutliple bots at the same time if I allways use yellow and run at them hacking and slashing like a blind bat. If I try to actually fight well though, they kill me quite often. There is this one darth maul bot on a server that really pisses me off :)


The reason your rush attacks are being successful is because your angle relative to their viewing direction changes more rapidly as you get closer. Against a bot, you have to get very close because their aim is nearly perfect all the time. A medium to long range face-to-face saber fight will almost always end in you being defeated because of this.


Here's a hint to winning in that situation: try not to hit their saber. Your defenses are much weaker when a saber connects with your body rather than your saber. Quite a bit weaker. So, try to swing at them where their saber isn't.


The same goes for fighting another human player.

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Originally posted by happydan

ok, i dont have the time to wade through 150 posts in this thread, so ill just ask now...


is there going to be a hilt selector? i think one of the things that improves gameplay is adding your own touches to the game. also, does the blade colour look fatter now? i hate the one that came with jedimod, its far too thin. looks like you are fighting with a piece of straw.


No, there won't be a hilt selector in 3.0. It's a nice feature that will probably get added in a later version. So far, the dual-glow RGB sabers are my only capitulation to eye-candy-only changes.


Yes, the blades are much different from regular jk2, or jedimod. They much more closely resemble the blades from Episode 2.

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Here's a hint to winning in that situation: try not to hit their saber. Your defenses are much weaker when a saber connects with your body rather than your saber. Quite a bit weaker. So, try to swing at them where their saber isn't.
Very true. Unfortunately the sabers of some faster bots tend to be everywhere at once.


I think I know the Maul bot you're talking about hsk, he's a toughie. But the hardest ones I've ever encountered are Ki-Adi Mundi and Emperor Palpatine. Top offense and defense, and they almost exclusively use fast stance, blocking pretty much any swing you make while landing 2-3 of their own.


I've developed a point-blank "wall of death" combo that usually takes em down. It's not perfect and takes a lot of concentration and accuracy, but if you rapidly strafe-swing from left to right you can create a kind of bladestorm that deflects all their swings -- heavy, medium, light, doesn't matter. Makes sushi out of bots if done correctly. You can do it in any stance, but fast style is probably the best for 1on1 conflicts. The other stances are deadly and better ranged, but your timing has to be really good.


In desperate situations it's also a good combo to use against real players, since you can land a ton of hits very quickly. Plenty of drawbacks though... your movement is restricted, you get no attack bonus and you leave yourself wide open to ranged and surgical attacks. So you better not expect to cut up Lazarous with this move. Believe me I've tried. ;)


I usually fight 10-16 bots at once, FFA. I only let myself use the saber but the bots use plenty of guns. With the kill limit at 40, I'm usually able win by 18-22 points. Yay me!

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I don't think the promod skill tree applies to them. The bots I fight now use all the same weapons/items/force powers they were programmed to before I got beta 3. Damn cheaters.


But they DO use the extra strong swings in promod 3... somehow their A.I. has taken the saber adjustments into account. Plus I can't seem to block their flechette projectiles with my saber as good as I used to. And I swear I've never had so much trouble with these vicious fast-style bots... they're really hard now. Or maybe I'm just superstitious. :)

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