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BETA: Xev model (version 1)


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tested it out and it looks good, still needs improvement, but it's looks nice so far.


here are my suggestions:

1) She grips the lightsaber very odd and the result are odd swing. Might want to look into that.

2) Her hair needs some more weighting work (I'm not a modeler, but I believe that's the problem), it does some weird stuff. Just play with her ingame and watch the hair as she performs certain moves.

3) I have no idea who this character is. Any pics? She doesn't look like she's going to win any beauty contests, but that may just be my opinion.


The skin is awesome. I don't think any more work can go there. Very nicely done. I think her lips are modeled out too far and makes her look like a duck a bit, but again, I haven't seen the actual character you based it off of.


Very nice. Can't wait to see the finished version.

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As a Lexx fan I think this is cool Flamegrape.


When I saw the topic header I was going to ask to skin it but I see that you have already done that.


A couple things I see in addition to what the other guys have observed is that the eyes look a little-cross eyed and the models head is a little big. I think the ears are a little too far back (or the face is a little too far forward).


Keep up the good work.



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Originally posted by mariners2001

I think her lips are modeled out too far and makes her look like a duck a bit


LOL she does look a bit duck like in real life too, that girl has a HUGE mouth. She is kinda hot though, but space nymphos aren't really my type. :D


tis a good model of her, she looks a bit younger than she should but overall i think you captured her likeness quite well Flamegrape.

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Here is my Xev picture archive:




You can see what she looked like during the third season of Lexx, which is what the model is based upon.


It's worth noting, maybe, that most of the publicity shots do not emphasize the shape of her lips or her profile in general. She really does have huge lips that stick out in a manner that I've never seen before. She has lips on the scale of Angelina Jolie and Mick Jager. And for the record, they're real. She inherited them from her father.


BTW, thanxx for the feedback. Keep the crits coming!

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Originally posted by Flamegrape

She has lips on the scale of Angelina Jolie and Mick Jager. And for the record, they're real. She inherited them from her father.



Of course they are real, i don't think getting a "lip job" is too common lol. But if someone did i highly doubt they'd ask for lips the size of those monsters. :p

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Good work on Xev Flamegrape.:) I like the taunt you gave her. I think you've given me my next model idea:


I'm going to make the Divine Shadow. That would be a cool character to play as. hehheh.


*Divine Shadow: Major?*


*Major: Yes Divine Shadow?*


*Divine Shadow: Kill him.*


*Major: Kill him?*


*Divine Shadow: Yes. Kill him.*


*Major disintergrates the General's head*


*Divine Shadow: Thank you, Now kill youself.*


*Major: Kill myself?!*


*Divine Shadow: Yes. Now kill yourself.*


*Major: But I.. I..*


*Divine Shadow: Shoot yourself.*


*Major: I worship his Divine Shadow.*


*Divine Shadow: Shoot!*


*The major disintergrates her own head*


lol. I don't know why but that scene in the first Lexx movie always made me laugh. lol:D

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Originally posted by VampireHunterD

Good work on Xev Flamegrape.:) I like the taunt you gave her. I think you've given me my next model idea:


I'm going to make the Divine Shadow. That would be a cool character to play as. hehheh.

If you are serious about making a His Shadow player model, please contact me! I am intent upon making a wide variety of Lexx player models. My next project will be Kai. Then Stan. Then Zev. After that, I'm not sure.


But during that time I will also continue work on my arena map of Lexx's interior.


If other people like yourself are interested in making Lexx models, I will host the project website.


Email me at flamegrape@hotmail.com soon.


Originally posted by VampireHunterD

Speaking of disintegration, the blackpack weapon or whatever it's called would make a nice weapon replacement model in JK2.


*EDIT*- Anyone have any good reference pics of the blackpack

weapon thing?

I have detailed pictures of the blak pak weapon that were photographed by one of the people who worked on the show. Do you know how to make new weapon mods? Are you an experience mod programmer? Again, please contact me.

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Originally posted by Flamegrape

If you are serious about making a His Shadow player model, please contact me! I am intent upon making a wide variety of Lexx player models. My next project will be Kai. Then Stan. Then Zev. After that, I'm not sure.


But during that time I will also continue work on my arena map of Lexx's interior.


If other people like yourself are interested in making Lexx models, I will host the project website.


Email me at flamegrape@hotmail.com soon.



I have detailed pictures of the blak pak weapon that were photographed by one of the people who worked on the show. Do you know how to make new weapon mods? Are you an experience mod programmer? Again, please contact me.


I just got started on the model last night. I've already finished making the head.

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With your premission flamegrape when your finished with this model many different skins could come out of this. This model definatley looks like it could be suited for a nice female jedi model. What do you think? Alot of people have been asking for a female jedi so just an idea. Other than the common probs every one has been having the model is great to the real character.

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Hey Flamegrape, if you don't have any other Lexx model ideas than the ones you told me, here's a few:


1. Thodin (his character was too short in the first movie and I wish he could have survived longer. He would have been cool. Anyway he'd make a cool player model.)


2. Vlad (The Divine Executioner that almost destroyed Kai in Season 4.)


3. Prince (fire/water outfit and AtF outfit.)


4. Maybe Mantrid (doubt it since he wasn't shown totally whole.) and Brizon (Mantrid's teacher)?


That's all of the ones I can think of for right now. I'll think of some more pretty soon.

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Thodin would make a good model. LOL


Vlad would make a VERY good model!


Prince would be good too.


Mantrid reappeared once in season 3 on planet Fire. That would look good in JK2. And it's also a simple costume.


I've throught of doing some of those characters mentioned above. But first I'll work on the four main characters.


One character that would be a particular challenge that would involve lots of shaders would be Schlemi from Luvliner. Imagine him with all those blinking lights in his robot love outfit.

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Originally posted by Madjai

how about that chick... i dont know her name, but she was about to be killed for canabalism or something and was freed and she found he way onto the lex. shes got that skin head on her back.



a.k.a. Giggerota The Wicked

a.k.a. "Leather-Ass"

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