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would anyone do this?


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Hey guys,

loong time lurker here..with an idea.

Now we've all been coming to these boards for quite some time now..some of us for years..and its great, getting together with all the people who we will one day meet "face to face" in SWG and establishing the role and persona of our future characters. How would you feel about doing that now?

Now its obvious we cant meet in SWG but ive come up with a temporary alternative. I imagine most of you have heard of players running thier own Ultima Online shards and im sure alot of you havent...but its happening..alot.


Wouldnt that be fun?! A private FREE UO server completely empty..no housing shortage.... nothing..just waiting to be populated...where we could all meet and really begin to roleplay our characters "face to face"...and you can play UO...quest...craft...kill monstors(once i put them in) any thing you want. Get together with some PA friends....make a castle....a place to meet..form a city..elect your mayor..practice..practice! or just play uo for free.


I have made the shard..it is running...granted its totally empty...just a default uo world with the normal cities..no spawns...no npc's...nothing. Most of the craft systems need some work as well..but its all at my fingertips....i was able to get the housing system up and the player vendor system up. The rest will be coming soon...its all up to you....you guys will have control! Ya dont think the mining percentages are quite right? ya think you should be getting more or less iron ore at your level....OK...we can change it....we can change anything! Ive spent about the last week figuring out the basics...scripting npc's... scripting spawn points...but i think i have it mostly down...so lets get it on!


What do ya'll think.....wanna play?

it only requires the ultima game..and to change a couple of simple files...nothing hard at all...and you will automatically begin to log into our shard when you run Ultima......


anyway...let me know if you guys would like to mess around with this while we await SWG!


if i get any replys at all..ill let you guys know how to log in..and we'll get started.


email me at stephenv@telocity.com




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Way to shoot a guy's idea down! Geez, why don't you save your post if it is throwing a valid idea back in a person's face? He obviously put forth effort to allow any of you to join him and play free in the world he created. Most of you seem to have the mentality of a 12 year old without proper manners to keep your mouths shut.

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