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I need a Texture...er... texturer


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Ok i am working on well just go to my website(just now up) to much to go on about here, but i need a person to do custom textures because i dont know how to do them and i am not the best drawer on computer so... i need your help every one. The map manly needs to be custom textures and you'll understand if you go to the site and read about the map the textures souldnt be that hard for anyone to do.


I need well some thing like a building and roads and all that kinda thing but see the catch is they all will be mini I'll have some pictures of how big the size of the .... forget it ill just confuse you more if i go on so im stoping mabey some of you guys got it got if you got any questions pm me of instant message me. I need the communitys help to complete this so come on guys

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That second link is a good one, i've been using those tuts lately -- http://www.eyeball-design.com/page09.htm



Also just do a search for "adobe photoshop tutorials" using yahoo, or google, or whatever search engine you want. And of course substitute "adobe photoshop" for whatever program you're using.


Oh and this one's pretty cool too -- http://www.phong.com/tutorials/

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