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Monthly Fee!?!?!?!?!


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Yeah, nobody likes to pay more for a game, but when you have a really well done game and it's fun to play I really don't mind paying the monthly fee for it. When I stop playing I stop paying.


Also, I do disagree that if a game has a monthly fee it also has a high initial sticker cost. If there is a monthly fee involved the price for the initial product should be lower than the norm.

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Although I would prefer to pay less, I can see why SWG cost the same or more as most games upfront. The amount of work required to develop this game is far beyond the normal FPS or single player RPG therefore they charge the same or more to buy the software.


The monthly billing is not to recover the cost of the original software but instead to cover future development and server upkeep.

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I don't mind paying the same price at the counter for a MMORPG as for a 'regular' game. But then, of course, I expect the obligatory "first month for free" offer. If the first month is not for free, then sure, it should not be the same price. After all, then I get a lot less 'in the box'.

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