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External communication with rcon?

Zathu Koon

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I think what u are asking is if you start a server then wish to "chat" with the players how do you do it.


If you look at the deicated server box from the game it includes a line at the bootom to input commands in. You just type with no prefixes like / in front of the words and they will come up as text from the server.




you type in : play nice guys no chatkilling (hit enter)



inside the server they see: server:play nice guys no chatkilling


If you want to execute a command like a mapchange you DO need to use "rcon". That is only when your INSIDE the server playing or in spectator mode. All you need to do to change a setting or restart a map is in the same command line as abovt type in a / then the cvommand without RCON.



/map_restart (hit enter)


I use Jedirunner to configure the server then just let the batch file start it.


Hope that answers your question, or im just reading it wrong.

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you can - there is a small perl module which connects to a running server and can envoke server commands like svsay .


I use the module - see http://jk2.icf.net/adminhowto.html to envoke all kinds of server rcon commands. Never found out how to talk to someone specific (svsay talks to all players).


The clientcommand /tell_target or /tell <clientid> is not working as a servercommand. If you find something, let me know....


Have fun


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