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firefly Vs Fastlane which do you like better

Bob Gnarly

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Fastlane was much better than I ever expected it to be, I thought it would be alful, I was wrong, I'll watch it again, see if it hooks me


As a fan of Joss Whedon, I'm a little bias twards his work. Firefly was pretty cool, it's no Buffy, but I still liked it quite a bit. Might be a little too "western" for some people

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Firefly was good. I didn't care much for the music, however....but the robbing a hovertrain thing was great. The characters are interesting, and the special effects were excellent. ^_^


I didn't see Fastlane.


I saw John Doe, which has a main character right out of X-Files. For those who didn't see it, he's a man who woke up naked in the middle of an island, with zero memory...but who knows everything. Else. He's also colorblind...but certain people or objects appear in color....okay it's too hard to explain.


*goes to Internet*



"The series is about the life of John Doe, a mysterious man who rises from the primordial waters of an isolated island, possessing knowledge of literally everything in the world, yet having no memory of who -- or even what -- he is.




Want to know the population of Peru in 1853? How many blue cars there are in the state of Washington? Or better yet, predict which horse will win every race at the track based on knowing all the variables? Doe has all the answers. But what is he like? Family man or loner? Hero or villain? What is truly in his soul? Doe doesn't have a clue."


"In the opener, Doe awakens to find himself stranded on an island off Seattle. His uncanny newfound abilities are soon apparent to him, however, when he is rescued by Asian fishermen and begins to speak the sailors' language fluently. Later, as he watches a news report about a kidnapped girl, the color-blind Doe realizes that he is seeing the child in color. Sure that she holds the key to the mystery of who he is, Doe is eager to find her and offers his assistance to the skeptical cop who's working the case."

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