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Your thoughts on the release date...

Guest Gui69do

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Alot of speculation has come up on the subject of the release date. At first, SWGB was thought to be out sometime during Winter, then it was X-Mas, then Thanksgiving, THEN mid Nov., now on Amazon.com it's listed as Nov. 1. What is everyone's opinion on the release date? Do yo think it will be out earlier than origonally thought, or will it pull an Empire Earth and be delayed for MONTHS!?!? Your thoughts please...


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Guest Admiral Thrawn
Originally posted by Felix29

The latest preview (gamesdomain) says it'll be released in november, so thats my guess.

They probably got it off Amazon, but November is probably the correct date :D

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there's no way this game is going to pull off an empire earth b/c for one thing this game is using the ensemble studios engine. empire earth is different from the AoK engine. i've heard november, so i'm expecting it to arrive by then. the release date is not the issue to me, rather how the game plays using elements from the SW universe...

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I think a mid Nov. release (Nov. 10th-20th) would be reasonable. But that's like 2 months away! Damn it!


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Guest Boba Rhett

I wouldn't normally mind waiting an extra 2 weeks but that would be when GC comes out so I really really need this game to be released Nov. 1st! I'm strapped for cash I tell ya!! :o

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Guest Gamma732

I think it'll come out sometime in Nov. Whether or not it'll be out on the 1st, I don't know...But I wouldn't mind if it was delayed. Delays aren't necissarially bad, it just means the company is imporving the game, rather then releasing a buggy game. Besides, I doubt this can beat anything Blizz has ever done ;)

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Guest Darth_Venage

This game isn't meant to beat anything Blizzard ever did, it's to provide a fun SW RTS. I don't care if it's not as good as Starcraft, as long as it's a FUN SW RTS

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Originally posted by Darth_Venage

This game isn't meant to beat anything Blizzard ever did, it's to provide a fun SW RTS. I don't care if it's not as good as Starcraft, as long as it's a FUN SW RTS


I think he was talking about the huge delays that Blizzard has, not the game itself.

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Guest Darth_Venage
Originally posted by Tie Guy


I think he was talking about the huge delays that Blizzard has, not the game itself.



now my credibility has taken a hit.

Anyways, I don't care when the game comes out, as long as it isn't after Nov 1st:D :D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

PC Gamer has said that the release date is the 14th of November in their latest magazine.

*Pulls ear plugs out* Yeah I believe PC gamers estimated date is 11/14

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