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quake 3 map to a JKII map


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alright. i contacted the author. turns out the map file (bsp) and (map) was in the pk3 file i just had to extrat it.. ok i used a converter for q3 to JKII maps. but yet it still doesnt work (i just renamed the zip file to pk3 with textures folder inside it etc for it to be placed in the base foler) but it still doesnt work. If i could send somebody the pk3 stuff and maybe figure out why (probably because of quake 3 stuff on the map) could u delete all the quake 3 stuff :\ thanks anyone

have a nice day

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Originally posted by =|PL|=Stalker

alright. i contacted the author. turns out the map file (bsp) and (map) was in the pk3 file i just had to extrat it.. ok i used a converter for q3 to JKII maps. but yet it still doesnt work (i just renamed the zip file to pk3 with textures folder inside it etc for it to be placed in the base foler) but it still doesnt work. If i could send somebody the pk3 stuff and maybe figure out why (probably because of quake 3 stuff on the map) could u delete all the quake 3 stuff :\ thanks anyone

have a nice day


anyone?? pleeeeeeease

:) have a nice day

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