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Sliding Effect


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I'm using JK2Radiant to create a MP map for the AJO clan. I've noticed in the country roads maps that there is a sliding feature placed on them. I was wondering how I would go about replicating this for my map. Also I would like to know how exactly to set up something that will bounce someone in a specific direction. Thank You.


=-AJO-= Kethlik

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Im interested in the slick_shader myself.


As to the other one, create a brush, and right click. Create a trigger_push out of it. Then, create a target_position and place it where you want it to push them. Select the trigger, THEN select the target and press CTRL + K to link them. Whichever direction your target link is pointing in is the direction the player will be pushed.

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As an addendum to Chrono's post, they will only be pushed to the target location AFTER the player comes in contact with the brush that you made a trigger_push.


Also be sure to deselect everything before selecting the trigger_push, then the target location, then pressing CTRL K.



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