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Q3Map 2.3.0-a20


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Don't want this to sound negative, but the only "improvement" I'm getting is no "Light_Gird Mismatch"- Warning in JK2, it's still doesn't light my maps :(


One question though: Could you do BSP and VIS with q3map2 and then switch for Light to sof2map?

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Tigris I used to have the same problem untill I switched to batch files for compiling. I'm not sure as to why, just something wonky about GtK on my pc perhaps. If you're using radiant to compile, I suggest you try batch files and see if it works from then on.


For your question... I think... not... However I could be mistaken.


G'luck :cool:

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Originally posted by Tigris

Don't want this to sound negative, but the only "improvement" I'm getting is no "Light_Gird Mismatch"- Warning in JK2, it's still doesn't light my maps :(


One question though: Could you do BSP and VIS with q3map2 and then switch for Light to sof2map?


It's not the fault of Q3Map2, it's the fault of your map.

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Hm, then all my maps are messed up :(


Anyway- I've combined the q3map2 and the sof2map for light and it seems to work, so I'm able to work with that for the moment...


EDIT: Ok, if it is because of my map, then it's specific with q3map2- here are some shots with BSP&VIS done by q3map2 with a LIGHT finish from sof2map-


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Something strange I've noticed:


Original maps, such as ctf_bespin take LONGER on Q3Map2 than they do on SoF2Map. I think it's because they aren't caulked all over, so the more effecient auto cull in Q3Map2 (it's better than SoF2Map's, more reliable) has to take more time to work. So if you caulk everything, I guess it skips this step...or, something...

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