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MI4 CD Question(s)


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This is sort of a two-part question...


I recently purchased Escape From Monkey Island via Amazon.com. After I finished CMI, I proceeded to install MI4. That's when I discovered that, although the second disc was labeled correctly (nice picture of Elaine Marley in her blue... outfit), its contents were completely wrong. So wrong, in fact, that the data wasn't for MI4; it was a game called Dinosaur Adventure 3-D. No trace of Monkey Island exists on that disc.


My first question, then, is how often does this sort of thing occur?


My second question: if I were to take a friend's copy of the second disc's data (transmitted over AIM or ICQ or something) and burn it to a CD, would the installer read it as the second disc, so I could at least play the first disc while I wait for a replacement second?

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He also doesn't know if Amazon will replace the game with a new copy, but if he sent it back to Lucasarts themselves, would he get better service and a replacement copy through them?


Before you guys jump on him for mentioning that he might be able to copy the data folders from the 2nd disc from a friend...

Is this okay to do while he gets his replacement copy? I don't know whether anyone would class it as piracy or not because we both legally-purchased the game, this will probably be last resort if all else fails...Lucasarts would replace it though, right?

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Originally posted by Creation

Well, this question was rendered moot anyway. I just got an email from Amazon saying a replacement was sent and should arrive on Wednesday. Too bad they won't let me keep the funky disc...

Fool you shouldn't have told them you got it! Bah don't you youngen's know anything you have to say "I did not receive EMI" which is truthful since you didn't receive the second disc. This saves you from sending it back.





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