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I just want to know what you were thrashing on newbies for.. lmao :D j/k


I saw you beat giantcorn (good job, he always stomps on me)


and yeah, lotsa nerf maps make for some amaaaaaazing tech times. I was so ticked last week. I was going for an under 12 min. T3 which would've been my fastest ever, and the zone lagged everybody out of the game. (it's amazing what you can do when you have 30+ nerfs)


I call at-at whoring "giving the at-at enima" hehehe It's extrememly hard to stop 30-40 at-ats massed together and you know your playing people below your skill if you're able to mass that many.



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I agree that RM games are harder and harder to find. Hate to think what it will be like when AoM finally comes out.


I'm on almost every night after 8:00 CST if you want to get a game on... last time we played it ended up being a draw if I remember correctly.



zn: _KhaleeLahFB__, +Softsnow

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any reason in particular i cant seem to see those?


and sometimes you have to noob thrash... expecially when all those games are scenarios, and the only rm is a rookie game.

if it is, you either mass a rush, OR... make a HUGE suped up t4 army and obliterate the hell out of them. i actually air cruisered the hell out of some dude last week after i put 3 forts in behind his base and had about 40 rebel repeaters attack his anti air first.

it wasnt pretty :p

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AoM looks awesome. I defiantly will be buying it when it comes out. I just hope they can keep it balanced with the different options to advance civs. That will add a huge amount of testing for something like that when they already have 9 civs to worry about. It is a good thing they are signing up 200 beta testers.

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hehe Yet again I was out of the loop. Cool I am glad they are testing this puppy to this degree. I love all the AoX games. These have always been the RTS games that last longest on my play list. With all the command and conquor (SP), War Craft, etc .. I get very bored with them. Sorry about taking the thread way off topic.

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*sees brag opening*


I AM an AoM alpha tester (dont kill me kill simwiz, hes one too) and it is by far the most addictive game ive played. Even with one map (we had two, but the other sucked) and lag from hell, im still experiencing AoM wothdrawal.


If you want, i can answer any questions you may have (NDA permitting). A good site with info out the yingyang isAOMH


I liked Odin and Set the best. Set's animal conversion lets you scout with a deer and bring all of your food to one central area. Odins ravens kick @$$ and his heal over time thing rocks (imagine everyone is a beserk). Anubis is the best minor god. His favor tech means MU's and MT's come quicker, and w/ feet of the jackal, anubites are the most cost effective all around best MU (and you get them in the second age). The game is tons better than SWGB (alot of problems are fixed) and, because it is so different, it takes abotu three games to get the AoM mindset and start really liking the game. The three cultures are so different it takes like a game to switch back and forth. And the major gods, even without the minor gods, are still more unique than any of the four sides in WC3. Thajason, if longetivity is what you want, then thats wht you get. This game could easily be played and enjoyed for four years or more. I played as four civs total during the alpha (Isis, Set, Ra, Odin) and never went near the greeks, so simwiz (a hades fan) can answer your greek problems. In my opinion, all the gods were balaced except Thor who seemed lacking, but they've since changed thor so he gets dwarves instead of gatherers in the beginning. The also might have changed set so he starts with a hyena and gets animals after age advancement, but upon looking at a recent screenie, it looks like they just gave him better slingers (im still crossing my fingers)

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I found the game quite balanced, especially for a alpha build. The only problems i found were the thing with thor (hes all dwarf bonuses), and possibly some minor gods being too weak (Freyja, Bast, maybe Njord on land maps), and some myth units were all to great, but such things have been fixed. Its gonna be a great game, it just takes a little while to get used to. There are many a good AoK player who gives up on the game because it isnt like AoK. If you look at it from an AoK perspective is does get boring. Thats probably whats happening to your clan members. I was away on vacation when the alpha's where shipped. By the time i got back, simwiz had already given up on the game. But i showed it to him from the other angle, and he became addicted. Also, many "good" players refrain from using MUs, GPs, and MTs, simply because they arent like AoK, and right there alot of the game is lost.


Oh yeah, about ES rushing it, the game was initially scheduled for release last febraury, but es kept on delaying it so that new ideas could be implemented and the game could be tweaked finitely so that exact balance could be reached.

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Well, i can't see the images either - it says image file exceeds 256Kb, whatever that means???




As for AoM - it sounds great and i hope it has as good gameplay (or better than) SWGB, because the graphics look brilliant!!!


Does anyone know what the minimum requirements for AoM will be?

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

By the time i got back, simwiz had already given up on the game. But i showed it to him from the other angle, and he became addicted.


You are an idiot. After playing some 1v1's, I stopped playing because, guess what? Tribes 2 came. Since I was 9 years old playing Mission Think, I had had to put up with computers that make your little brother's 1990 black & white mac look good. Finally I got a good computer, so I decided to get the game I had wanted since it came out but at its release couldn't run it on my 166 mHz celeron Acer (makes your "new" pentium 1 look good also). It came, I played it on my new p4, I had a lot of fun. And I know it will make you cry since it belittles your precious favorite game, but Tribes 2 is way more fun than the AoM alpha. When you came back I obviously wanted to play AoM again, since 2v2's are a lot more fun when allied with someone you know. It is only your arrogance that convinces you that you have 'gotten past others' narrow mindedness to show them what a great game AoM is.' It is time to give that pointless charade a rest.


For the record, you have not shown me anything, you are not as smart as your swollen head would lead you to believe, and you are NOT someone who leads other people to 'overcome their simple mindedness and try something from another angle' or however you would choose to put it.


Poor Sith. I think I just shattered his ego...

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Originally posted by MadrixTF

Does anyone know what the minimum requirements for AoM will be?


I believe it is a Pentium 2 or 3 and 128 or so RAM, and a 16 mb 3d video card, probably not much more than 1 gb of drive space.


All I know for sure is that it runs like crap on Sith's Pentium 1. :)

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You are an idiot. After playing some 1v1's, I stopped playing because, guess what? Tribes 2 came. Since I was 9 years old playing Mission Think, I had had to put up with computers that make your little brother's 1990 black & white mac look good. Finally I got a good computer, so I decided to get the game I had wanted since it came out but at its release couldn't run it on my 166 mHz celeron Acer (makes your "new" pentium 1 look good also). It came, I played it on my new p4, I had a lot of fun. And I know it will make you cry since it belittles your precious favorite game, but Tribes 2 is way more fun than the AoM alpha. When you came back I obviously wanted to play AoM again, since 2v2's are a lot more fun when allied with someone you know. It is only your arrogance that convinces you that you have 'gotten past others' narrow mindedness to show them what a great game AoM is.' It is time to give that pointless charade a rest.


If you call playing the civs/minor gods that were the hottest, then holing up behind your walls until late mythic and coming out finally with catapults and preists galore actually playing the game. And you told me that you stopped playing th game because it was boring. In reality, it just was boring because you were thoroughly clueless, plaing the game like a chicken with its head cut off runs around a barn (:) i like that analogy). If you argue that no you actually knew exactly what you were doing, i be forced to remind you that you said that MUs suck because the can be beaten by preists and that ballistas suck because 10 catapult kill them in one hit and that gps suck because they dont do much when you randomly click them on the map and that Isis is the best civ because she is the only female one:D

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