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Cant create sound


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Originally posted by derbra1513

Thanx bud but i tried bubbas mapping site his told me how to create sound didnt work so ill try your idea thanx a bunch;)


Bubbas mapping site is old, outdated, has old techniques and was created for Quake III, so not all of what he has to say applies. RichDiesal's link is




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Have you successfully done *anything* that has to do with mapping? Because I can't believe that someone who's asked the questions you've asked, and gotten the answers that you've received wouldn't be able to do anything. Are you self-taught or did someone teach you? If you are self-taught, it would be in your best interest to seek out some serious FAQs and Tutorials (hey, we all need help sometime)... believe me, it will save you time and lots of headaches and frustration in the end.



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WAVs *cannot* be repeated throughout an entire stage. Only MP3s can. You would know this had you done what I suggested. Now before you post another question, read EVERYTHING you can on Radiant. If you need links I'll post them. There's no need to remain ignorant if you can enlighten yourself.



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not only did i try WAV but mp3 and i still coudnt get it to work im sry if i need extra help i mean its not like i havnt tried diffrent things ive tried to get sound and ive tried about 20 diffrent times so thats why i came here im sorry i bothered you but i cant get it to work

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Since you obviously have some problem with looking for answers on your own, and can't scroll up to the top of the mapping forum to see all the stuck threads, all of which contain links to tutorials and answers to all the questions you've been asking (but have just been too lazy to actually LOOK for), here's a quote about your "sound" problem:

Originally posted by PainGod

How do I add music to my BSP map???


Answer using Duel of the Fates example:


Find the mp3 file in the assets0.pk3 file, rename it to something else, then place the Duel of the Fates mp3 in there and rename that to what the previous file was.


If that sounded confusing, I'll try and make it simpler


xxxxxxx.mp3 = name of music file you want to replace


Rename xxxxxxx.mp3 to something like xxxxxxxbackup.mp3


Insert duelofthefates.mp3 into same dir and rename to xxxxxxx.mp3


Not sure of that'll work, but it's worth a go, and you can always remove the file and rename the backup one to it's original name.


----> Thanks to Mal Brigand


I hope now you will realize that there are answers to your questions already on the forum, all you have to do is go to the stuck threads up top and spend a few minutes looking for them. To copy that for you took all of 2 minutes, including the time its taken to create this post.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by tajhma

Yep i had the same problem as you. Just use the "soundset" key and the name of the file . The big problem is that it work only in multiplayer.If u know how to do it in sp tell me!


good luck!


Uh, as derba hasn't posted since October 5th, I think she's ok... ya didn't need to respond. Oh, and welcome to the forums. :D

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Originally posted by tajhma

Yep i had the same problem as you. Just use the "soundset" key and the name of the file . The big problem is that it work only in multiplayer.If u know how to do it in sp tell me!


good luck!


Actually soundset's only work in Sp, not in MP. For example doorsounds, if you set a soundset you still get the default sounds in MP. You'll have to set MP sounds manually.

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sry i didnt respound i tried to look around and stuff and still coudnt figure out my problem. Heres wat i did


Downloaded a song its 128bps, 44khz and 2(stereo). i renamed the file to volcano2 i added it to zip and extracted it to music folder in gamedata/base then i opened Radiant hit n for key i put music for value i put music/volcano2.mp3 created bsp and wen i played my map it said wen i joined in red letters ERROR: un able to find music file: ( music/volcano2.mp3 )

sry if i bothered u again Anakin but i took your advice and still found no soluthion

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Music files must be 112 kbps, 44100 KHz MP3 files, Derbra. Anything else and it won't play.


And if you want your music to play, you've got to include it in your .pk3 file for your map. Easiest way to creat a .pk3 file (if you haven't already) is with a program called Pakscape.

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Originally posted by derbra1513

ok man thanx a bunch now how exactly do i change the settings on the music?


You have to get a program that can encode/decode MP3 files. You can find programs like that pretty easily on http://www.download.com or http://www.tucows.com. Once you've downloaded and installed the programs you just select the file you want to switch, set the settings, and let the program encode it to the new settings (should just take a minute or so).

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And you put it in your .pk3?


And its filepath in radiant is correct?


For example, if it's radiant filepath was :




Then your .pk3 should have a folder named music, a subfolder named stage1, and inside that subfolder should be the mp3


Try that out and see how it works.

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