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Exclusive screenshots for 'Still Unnamed Project Joe'


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Well, the font may be a bit too small but I'm not sure what you mean with the game system?


In case you mean the engine, I think it doesn't matter what engine you use. As long as the engine feels comfortable and suits your needs. The engine doesn't make a game better or worse.



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I happened to see this post :-)


You might wonder about the fonts; they are not the fonts which will be used in the final version. They are temporary, and indeed too small. I am focusing on more important aspects of the game, and changing the font can be done anytime.

Why you have your doubts about the engine? You haven't seen it working yet. We use dead-code (WME) as our engine and in my humble opinion it outperforms other engines currently available easily. You might be too focussed on the rather ugly graphics found in the demo on the dead-code website (which is an outdated demo anyhow).








ps: The screenshots I provided Erwin are from the 640x480 version. We recently moved to 800x600.

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Originally posted by Dacloo

ps: The screenshots I provided Erwin are from the 640x480 version. We recently moved to 800x600.


Does that mean your artist has to redo all of his work or has the original artwork already been made in a high resolution and scaled down to 640*480?



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There are two scenes that require changes (re-doing them indeed, but he has some ideas about not re-doing them completely), but the other scenes which are drawn recently are made in 1600x1200 and then resized to 640x480. Basicly, resizing them to 800x600 isn't a problem for those scenes. One scene will take some work, because it has parralax scrolling and we have to make them layers again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We use more gradients and stuff, unlike Monkey Island 3 for example (excellent how they did that in 256 colors). The drawing style is different, and it looks much better in 800x600 somehow. Times are changing, and I see new adventures being released in 800x600. Even WinXP tries to "cover up" the 640x480 in the settings panel (which isn't good I think). Monkey Island 4 characters, in my opinion, looked very bad in 640x480.

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Well, that's easy to say what I think about it:


-> It's pretty ****ing amazing, that is! <-


Wow! Mikel saw it too, same opinion :)


Congrats, keep up the good work. I personally think this kind of quality deserves an engine. I would say: wait for WME or at least use an engine that is speedy enough and has good features.

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Hehe, thanks!


What's WME? However, I like AGS - and it deserves it. It get many futures by each release.


I'm thinking of paying Chris some amount of money to speed up the engine tho. :)


---- edit ---

AND, who still have older machines than 500 MhZ? :p

There's already coming 2 Ghz machines, and so on... I don't think it'll be a big issue. However, they can be played down to 250 MhZ I guess... It'll just be a bit slow :)

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