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need help at modeling

Bob Gnarly

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ok guys i know a bunchogonna shun me for this but...


i am gonna start a Matrix Model/Skin Pack and i need the write tools for this so if someone (Ronin{triad}, Vampire Hunter D, Just to name a 2) so can you give me links to the stuff i need these are what i need..


A GOOD tutorial for Milkshape

Everything else i need to model in milkshape

Imposter things for fo it.....



preatty much every thing you need to Model GOOD!


ummmm like all the things you have on your HardDrive


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE im begging you guys to give me these things, I will be Taking a break off the internet so that i can do this with no distractions


if someone can help me please do

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My advice to you is, Start Drinking...HEAVLY!!


Next the milkshape website contains all the links to tuorials that you could want. If you want you could try and qualify for the student version of higher end applications. You just missed a great deal on Lightwave, which was for only 996 that nearly a 600 dollar savings.........I had to take advantage. COMES TO TOMMORROW.......


Next, buy or rent books from the library. Get everything you can on anatomy. Fineart.sk has some great reference stuff. Then next part would be, goto TurboSquid and download some of the free models. Look at them and break them apart. You'll learn so much for looking at other peoples work.


EXEPIRMENT.........EXPIRMENT........EXPIRMENT.....thats all i have to say. Sur it doesn't look right at first, but just keeping through stuff at your model, it will (hopefully) take shape.



Try and get an account at 3dbuzz, post some questions, build up your account a bit. Then order the VTMS. They are great video training guides.

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Originally posted by KingPin



Twisted Vertex *told* you what to do. What else do you want? You also might try checking out the sticky thread at the top, the one labeled, "Before you post a question, click here." It's got some great links to all kinds of modeling related stuff.



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