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I need a cure

Twisted Vertex

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Ok.....This is about getting models ingame, Well they are already in game. However, my issue lies with the model already in game.


Okay, the model seems to be semi-translucent. Like the part that your look at you can see throught to the back. if you look at the back, you'll see the chest. If your looking at the top of the hand, you'll see the pal...and so forth. I suspect I might have to reset the xform. is this true?


Okay, next on the list. My model is missing a head, Which appears in modview. The hiearchy is setup right and everything.


Next my model is holding the saber in his hand, however he is holding the emmitter. Do i just flip the tag?


Thanks for your help.

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yea the normals are flipped on your model (at least i think thats what its called). I think its caused by mirroring your model.

the way i deal with it is to create a new object for every part of my model (hands, legs, torso, head, hips, etc) then attach my model part to the newly created object. this resets his xform or normals or whatever, but it erases his weights, which i believe is inevitable.


and for the saber, try rotating 180 degrees, see if that works.

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1.I think you are seeing inverted faces of the mesh.


Fix: use xform modifier, BUT apply this modifier below the skin modifier and then "collapse to" and not collapse all, next go in sub-object mode and flip the faces back (unless they are already facing the right way).


2.Maybe a .skin or .surf file error?? im not sure on this one.


3.It's a weighting issue...and never flip any tags.


Fix: "bolt_r_hand" is weighted only to the "rhang_tag_bone", the "rhang_tag_bone" is not part of any hierarchy (you dont add this bone to any mesh)


for the left hand (to fix force powers problems if you have any):

"lhand_tag_bone" has no vertex assigned to it (but is part of the hand hierarchy) and the "bolt_l_hand" is weighted only to the mc5 bone.


This is how i setup the hands and everything works fine.


let me know if it works or if you still need help.



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