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Story Ideas For MI5


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I'm interested to know your story ideas for MI5. My idea is with Herman being the new Govonor of the tri-island area, Ozzy should come back as a ghost and kill him. Then, Guybrush and LeChuck (In a new form) must join forces to bring him down. It should have Guybrush travel to every island he's been on, and all the charecters he met. Like, Largo comes and interfears with Guybrush and LeChucks plans because he's been hired by Ozzy. They go to Monkey Island because Ozzy has stolen LeChuck's crew and original MI1 hideout. After they defete Ozzy, LeChuck goes to the Land of Eternal Rest because his soul is at rest. Guybrush and Elain give birth and that's the end of the game and searies.



R.I.P. MI :violin::lechuck::guybrush::voodoo::elaine::marty::stan::chucky::largo::smaster:

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There is a great debate about the real secret of Monkey Island™. Some say it’s something to do with the giant stone monkey head. Some say it’s the magical voodoo root, which, when specially prepared, can kill a ghost. Some say it the special brand of Monkey Island™ Soy sauce. But that’s not the answer. The real secret of Monkey Island™ is a secret guarded by the monkey’s themselves. A secret that will one day save the world. A fate. A prophecy. A promise.


When the world was young, monkeys ruled the earth and tried to create a utopia. They could communicate as well as humans could, except humans weren’t around then.

When humans first arrived on our planet, the monkeys became weary and decide to watch them from a distance. When the humans had learned how to talk and communicate, the monkeys and humans became friendly with each other and decided to create their utopia together that would be free from greed, crime and corruption. And so they did, and their world was perfect. And there is would have ended. Should have ended.

But that didn’t last long. On the other side of the world, the race of humans was not in contact with the perfect world and knew nothing about it. They knew nothing better than what they were taught. They divided to make civilizations, each full of sin and dishonesty. Fuelled by greed, they started a magnificent war over land and the stronger civilizations crushed the weaker ones until all but one civilization was left, the strongest of them all, ruled by a very powerful leader, conceived by the evil forces themselves. His name? LeChuck.

After conquering his known world he explored unknown terrains and found the puny civilization of the perfect world. With no weapons of defence, the utopia was crushed in a matter of months. They were given a choice; they could either join him, or die. Many joined him, leaving their perfect world behind. Many died. The monkeys refused unison and all but a thousand died. That thousand took refuge on a desert island along with two humans who also managed to escape, the Threepwood’s.

After bickering about whose fault this was, the monkeys and humans never talked to each other again. A freak lightning bolt had taken the monkeys speech and brain power, thrown it into a statue of a giant monkey head, laid to the east side of the island. And then, this was all forgotten.

Somewhere, on the manuscript of time, there is written; that the monkeys of Monkey Island™ shall comeback, and reclaim what is theirs once and for all. And all shall be correct with the world.

Evil shall be vanquished. And they’re going to need someone’s help. An old friend. A Threepwood.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

There is a great debate about the real secret of Monkey Island™. Some say it’s something to do with the giant stone monkey head. Some say it’s the magical voodoo root, which, when specially prepared, can kill a ghost. Some say it the special brand of Monkey Island™ Soy sauce. But that’s not the answer. The real secret of Monkey Island™ is a secret guarded by the monkey’s themselves. A secret that will one day save the world. A fate. A prophecy. A promise.


When the world was young, monkeys ruled the earth and tried to create a utopia. They could communicate as well as humans could, except humans weren’t around then.

When humans first arrived on our planet, the monkeys became weary and decide to watch them from a distance. When the humans had learned how to talk and communicate, the monkeys and humans became friendly with each other and decided to create their utopia together that would be free from greed, crime and corruption. And so they did, and their world was perfect. And there is would have ended. Should have ended.



But that didn’t last long. On the other side of the world, the race of humans was not in contact with the perfect world and knew nothing about it. They knew nothing better than what they were taught. They divided to make civilizations, each full of sin and dishonesty. Fuelled by greed, they started a magnificent war over land and the stronger civilizations crushed the weaker ones until all but one civilization was left, the strongest of them all, ruled by a very powerful leader, conceived by the evil forces themselves. His name? LeChuck.

After conquering his known world he explored unknown terrains and found the puny civilization of the perfect world. With no weapons of defence, the utopia was crushed in a matter of months. They were given a choice; they could either join him, or die. Many joined him, leaving their perfect world behind. Many died. The monkeys refused unison and all but a thousand died. That thousand took refuge on a desert island along with two humans who also managed to escape, the Threepwood’s.

After bickering about whose fault this was, the monkeys and humans never talked to each other again. A freak lightning bolt had taken the monkeys speech and brain power, thrown it into a statue of a giant monkey head, laid to the east side of the island. And then, this was all forgotten.

Somewhere, on the manuscript of time, there is written; that the monkeys of Monkey Island™ shall comeback, and reclaim what is theirs once and for all. And all shall be correct with the world.

Evil shall be vanquished. And they’re going to need someone’s help. An old friend. A Threepwood.



What!? The begining of time? LeChuck wasn't around at the begining of time! He wasn't always a ghost!

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anyone stop to think that this may have been his ancestor, along with guybrush's ancestor. honestly, use a little imagination! i'm actualyl quite proud of that little epilogue. but, why the big space between my text when you quoted me?

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