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Ok, so a couple months ago I come to these forums as <|WoV|>Shade (Thank the Lord I am not with them any longer!). But when I first got into the UberHype of SWG several months ago I didn't think that my system was gonna suck SO MUCH. Now, I need to scrape up $2000 for a new comp and $100 ($60 for game and $40 for first 5 months...) and I don't have that kinda money.


Now just hear me out.


I know that probly half of you out there are almost in the same position as I am, and I would like to hear if you guys are going to buy a WHOLE new PC system to play this game, or if you are going to pass it by. GOD KNOWS that I DO NOT want pass up probably the best game in a few YEARS, but if my situation doesn't improve, I and many others won't be able to get the game.


As much as it pains me to say this, I may just have to pass it up.:mad::rolleyes::(

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I use Novatech to buy component pieces and assemble a machine. If you have a comp now you already have the most expensive part of a new machine - the monitor.


Buying a Processor/Motherboard RAM combo online set me back about 250 quid ($370 US approx). After that a new graphics card and hard drive are optional extras. Also buy one step away from cutting edge, that reduces the cost greatly.


I know Novatech is UK based but I'm certain that there are good US equivalents that your fellow Americans can point you towards...


also this is rather off topic. Wraith, would you do the honours?

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well... luckely my dad got an offer for this PC private project they had at his company.... to get an up to date comp for a low price... or else i would have been stuck with a:


Pentium II 266 Mhz

32 MB Ram

Voodoo 2 3DFX

2.3 Gb Harddisk


i was already planning on buying a tottaly new comp.

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You can get a top of the line computer at newegg.com for $800-$1000. You order all the parts there, but the only downside is you have to know how to put the parts together. You have to pay shipping but no tax - unless your in CA (Where newegg is located). Its where i bought my new comp and its awesome and will perform great with SWG. Buying an equivelant computer from the store would be around $1600+. ;)



You tried your best and failed miserably: The lesson is - never try.


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Computers are fairly cheap right now. In fact, it is cheaper in some cases to buy a pre-built system than to build it yourself, plus you get rebates on equipment, tech support(useless, I know, but just thought I would add it to the list). I myself have been looking for a really good reason to BUILD my first custom system and this game is a good a motivation as any, not to mention the experience, so . . . .


Just update certain components.


1. The Motherboard.

2. The processor.

3. The graphics card.

4. Sound card, perhaps.


5. Your OS. If you are running one of the 16-bit Windows 9X OS's(95,98,ME, which was nothing but a legally packaged virus)I strongly recommend updating your OS to one of the 32 bit OS's, either Windows 2000 or Windows XP(forget Windows NT). These programs run from $100-$300. These 32 bit programs are much more stable and all around better for gaming.



That is all you really need. If you have a working monitor, just use that one. Your hard drive is operable, so you save money there. Now, you have a new system.:)

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im running at the moment:


Athlon 900 (1.2 gig clocked if i need it)


KyroII 32 meg vid card

Soundblaster 5.1 sound card

ADSL connection


If this aint enuff then upgrading will be expensive, prolly may need a GF4, but im confident i wont need too. Maybe 512 RAM tho.



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