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Aaand, it doesn't depend on the xx_entities, it's a shader, so you have to look in the texture window.


If you still can not see it (though Emon gave a good description :)), you can still cover the brush with anything else, then use the Textures menu Find/Replace item with the brush selected, and set the parameters properly as:


replace what = the texture you used

replace with = system/outside

replace in selected only = yesss :)



BUT I think this is too complicated, so you better find that shader. :)



One other thing. In the tutorial Rich writes you have to make (in practice) a map where in one room there must be rain and in an other room there must be snow. Actually you can't do that. In one map, you can have only one weather effect which will occur in every brush you cover with system/outside, even if you use only one fx_rain/fx_snow.


You can put both of them, but then there will be both of them everywhere in the outside brushes. If you want that... :)

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Thanks for the help guys :D , I found it..... I had to download the new version. But, now I got another problem *sigh!*.... I ran the script editor and I was making force powers for a sp level, I run BehavEd.. boots up I delete the rem thing, add affect, change the default to kyle.... add set - set types, and I can't put anything next to the set box..... it just says "Include Error".. HelP! :(

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