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displaying models on site


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i was just wondering how one could post a persons model onto a website and be able to rotate it around, zoom in and out and such. I know there are explorer plugins available that do that but what are they, where do i get them and how will I use them?


I think itll be really sweet of more modelers would put up WIPs in this form other than just normal renders and would show off how cool the model looks since EVERYTHING looks cool in 3d :D

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thx kman, the viewpoint is a b**** to use since it appears to just use lots of images like a gif o.O , i dunno about shockwave but VRML seems like the best one around, I've been fiddling around with it all evening and actually have converted my watto model to it, heres a link to anyone thats cares:


I dunno if ittl work for you, it did for me, the guys at geocities suck and I wish netfirms would accept files greater than 256kb :\

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I will be putting pretty much all my models to vrml and I hope others follow.

If anyone needs info on how to do this I will gladly give more info, I REALLY wanna see some of the cool WIPs in 3d, plus it would be a benefit to the modelers as we can give better "constructive" criticism

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