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Ge force 3 good enough?


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i was just wondering judging by the screens that this game is going to require one hell of a vid card... i have a ge force 3 ti500, do you guys think that i will look good without being choppy? after getting bf1942 i realized that my ge3 isnt invinceable.

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Welcome phalnax.

Yes i believe that a Geforce3 will suffice. in the E3 video images they said that they were in facy using a Geforce 3... so i think your save.... i believe even this game can be played on a Geforce 2 :D


I myself have a Geforce 4 :D


Hope to see you around more :D


-Wraith 8-

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wraith i believe you already have given me a formal welcome on my post about me being the only pimp in all of the universe,



did anyone play bf1942 and also have some choppy problems? i just learned that the choppiness was most likely a result of the buggyness of bf1942. maybe i have a few more games to play with my ge3... :D




p.s. i love you wraith, i want to have all six of your babies, whatever race, color, or gender :D


p.s.s :D

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Originally posted by Phalnax

wraith i believe you already have given me a formal welcome on my post about me being the only pimp in all of the universe,


p.s. i love you wraith, i want to have all six of your babies, whatever race, color, or gender :D


p.s.s :D

oh lol... well than you should feel extra welcome and more then ready to stay :D


and no thanx :D

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bf1942 was disgustingly choppy on my comp... I have a geforce2 100/200 mx.... thats like the ****iest kind of geforce 2!!!


i would get like .2 fps lol... it would just sit there doing nothing. Trying to fly a plane was murder. On there tech support they say its a driver problem :confused:.


Geforce3 should be sufficient to play swg, you just may have to play on 800x600 instead of 1024x768, with only 16 bit textures :p. Personally I can't tell much of a diff so I wouldn't worry about it.



edit: yea radeon 9700, is a lot better. If you wanna check it out go to tomshardware.com or something like that. He compares the two and the ati card kicks its ass.

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Geforce 2 should be plenty i would think. As long as you have a decent computer to go along with it. The min specs for SWG are going to be pretty steep i think though. I have a geforce 4 but am worried if my puter will be able to play it good. my puter is a P3 1ghz it should work

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I dont believe i have welcomed you Duvan... so i am now :D


Yes i believe it to.. that Geforce 2 will suffice.

cause the devs used a geforce 3 on the E3 thingy.. and it rocked.. and they said that they were aiming at a lower card aswell... so no problem :D

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