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Question!!(Not in Diesel`s Tut anwered)


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I am at this point in the tutorial add Models to the map. The Tutorial said I have to make a clip shader around the model. My Question: In which way I don`t select the Model, but the clip shader? I asked, because every time I want to resize the shader I select Model. So I have to make in this case first all three brushes fit them one by one at the model, group them and put them around. This is too complicated, isn`t it?


THANK You for answer!!


Jackie P. Chong

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Not quite sure what you are doing here, but it sounds like you don't see the clipping brushes properly. Go to view> filter and deselect clips. I think the default settings have it selected and then you can't see clipping brushes in the editor. When you deselect them you can seem them in the editor and you'll be able to select them.


If that doesn't help try not to create your clip brushes to tightly around the model. 2 or 3 grid units between the clip brush and the model will hardly be noticably in the finished map.

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Ok I made the clips a bit bigger, but I am not map satisfied with it. And your Tip doesn`t work: Since the beginning I SEE the clipping brushes, but every time when I want to select it, I select the Bounding Box of the model. Maybe there is any option to change the priority of Selecting things just like "Select the second in row" or "select the last", way not, eh?

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Are you *sure* you're seeing the clip brush (should appear as a light transparent red color) and not the model bounding box? I ask because I had to turn on the filter to see my clips, Radiant default is to off. If you are seeing it, make sure you select a visible part of the clip brush (and that you're close enough to do so accurately).



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So now I have a new question. i learned now how to make skies. I compiled it and there was the sky. Very Impressive I thougt. simultaneuos i thought: Jump down and die!!! But then I cant jump down, I can`t get trough the unvisible wall. My question: How to make a sky with the possibilty to jump over the map end?

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