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Release Date... November?


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If you dont know what you are doing it is best to leave it to the professionals. I prefer saving the $500-1000 and getting the same system but thats just me. Some times buying a prebuilt system does save you money if you end up having lots of hardware failures.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

I know, Wraith, I know...and yeah, I guess I'll just have to wait until Feb. Although, I, like everyone else, would gladly play a buggy SWG. I couldn't care less if it's patched everyday. Atleast I'd be playing.


Having beta tested several games and softwares, it is sometimes necessary to change the whole gaming engine due to beta test feedback, or at least tweak it. Simply patching the game continuously is not a good idea, beta testing is to find the more fundimental flaws in the product and correct them. If the released product is buggy and, perhaps, has a serious flaw in the engine, then it will not sell well, and the developers will be left open to criticism from the peer community.


In the eyes of the gaming community from the perspective of the developers, they must produce a product that is initially capable of stand-alone play. Remember, this is not a "mod" or any other free software, this is a saleable product, which requires a monetary monthly subscription. If you purchase a product and have to download a patch instantly, then there is obviously a flaw in the testing of the software.


Also, constantly patching a game is annoying for players on slower connections (56 or 28.8k) who have been assured that they can play on their connection. If they must d/l a 2hr patch every week or so because the initial product was not up to scratch, then there could be serious ramifications for the games licensers.

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Gonna stick my head in now, having only recently paid attention to the whole Galaxies thing, and so on. Hello, hello, hello, etc.


Friend of mine mentioned that this project was in the works after I said something about EQ actually improving my Real Life (experimenting with the cooking trade skill makes me hungry; I actually bother to cook for myself more often now. EQ improves my diet! lol). Took a look at what was online, and so far I'm loving what I see. Wondering if not reading any of the expanded universe stuff will leave me at a disadvantage, but otherwise, big yays all round.


Anyway, to the point. Went by my local Game (UK computer game shop, if you don't know) and they said Galaxies was due for release in the first week of January...

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As long as they dont release it in November I will be happy. I would cry if they released the game and I was still here in Afghanistan. Everyone would be too busy playing to post anymore and I wouldnt have anything funny to read while I am extremely bored here.

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