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Me = Looking for a clan

Srikin Talilles

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Crimson Masters are a saberist / weapons clan (I added the weapon bit Paul :p) We have training sessions, a ranking system, padawan / apprentices and 3 seperate paths to take; Jedi, Sith and Merc. We currently have, about, 12 members; and we accept all skill levels. :)

Fill out the application form on the site and maybe pop in on the forums to say Hello ;)

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Originally posted by Old One

ooooooohhhhhh ur site design is eye candy. :p

Thank you :)

I was mostly up until 4am most nights, uploading and editing. :p

It still needs work; the extra pages (rules) etc.

Aswell as a better flash intro bit, and some cool graphics :)

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Greeting the Old One,


How do you do? First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Ric D'Sunga, Jedi Knight and Council Member from Knights of Alderaan (http://www.alderaanknights.com). You may not have heard of us, but we are a Role-Play dedicated JKII clan. We have our own storyline, and missions to develop our story, in order to make this game even more fun. We currently have 26 members and 80% are active. They are all divided into initiates, padawans, knights and masters, and training is also a very important part of our day to day clan-life. If you are interested, please visit our website listed above!


Looking forward to seeing you and May the Force be with you always.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight and Council Member

Knights of Alderaan

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Greeting Old One,


If you are only 13, it will be difficult for us to take you then, because we have a min. age requirement of 16, as we are looking for members with mature thinking and attitude. But best of luck to you, I am sure you will find what you are looking.


May the Force be with you always.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Members

Knights of Alderaan

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