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Guest Barnabas Antilies

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

The buffalo made boats. Ask porkins about the tower of babble. He will talk your ear off.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Ok, first of all, Darwin denounced his theories because he was persecuted for them, namely by very religious people.


As for the lack of continuity in the Bible:


First, show me a Dinosaur in the Bible.


Next, tell me how Lucifer, the archangel, was exiled when the Bible clearly states that no one who enters the gates of Heaven may be cast out.


Then, explain this to me:

First, there was Adam and Eve. Then Cain and Able. Cain killed Able and then travelled across the desert to find the bride - where the hell (pardon the odd use of the word hell in this type of arguement) did the bride come from?


The Bible, though is reknowned as historical, and DOES portray historical occurences, is full of inconsistantcies like the ones above.


No one take this as disrespect, but I was asked to display such inconsistantcies.

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Guest 84Elan

When a book that has been writen over the ages by I belive over 2000 people it is bound to have some biffs. Bottem line everyone has to have something to believe in weather it is God, Allah,Buda or him/herself at some time in their life they must beleive in something. Thats all I have to say about that...OK Got any choclate?

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Guest ShadeShifter

To respond to your points Acid_Rain327:


1. Dinosaurs may be mentioned in the Bible. Check out Job 40:15-24. Theologians disagree over this verse, but for some, the description resembles that of a dinosaur.


2. What scripture are you baseing this idea on.


3. It depends on who's theology you go by:

The most accepted belief is that Cain pobably married a decendant of one of Adam's other children.






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Guest Jericho

Wow...I'm sorry I haven't been watching this string before now. This is pretty good stuff.


So here's my take on the whole issue...

(I know you waiting with baited breath to hear it.)


The Bible is a good story. And there are some truths and lessons to be learned within it.


However, I find it hard to accept that a God would favor one group over another. And just about every religion is at fault for this viewpoint. If you're not our religion you're doomed.


This is my opinion.


God in all his many, varied names doesn't care what religion you are. As long as you have a belief in God and live your life in an upstanding, moral way you're fine.


I personally love the description of the Force Obi-Wan give in New Hope. This is paraphrased..."It binds us and holds us, and keeps the universe together." Or what Yoda says..."The Force surrounds us. It's in everything...the rock, the trees..."


Call me silly, but that's how I view God. I love that concept. He's everywhere, and knows everything.


As for evolution and creationism...


They're both God's doing. God's hand nudged evolution along, sending the species along the correct path. I can't simply accept that *poof* it all appeared. No...if it did, why would He give us snippets of evidence against that theory?


Science is simply another way for God to influence more people. All the theories and scientific discoveries are just us discovering His wisdom. Gravity? God's work. Evolution? God's work.


There are many different religions so that God can reach out to his many different people.






Break the walls down.

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Guest liquidkid




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Guest Plo Koon

I just now saw this post.


I too am a Christian, and I believe Star Wars is an extreme re-telling of the bible. So far you have all explained it well. My mom even pointed out that Mary was a virgin and Jesus was born without intercourse. Same with Shmi, remember she said "There was no father" to Qui-Gon.


There are lots and lots of biblical references in Star Wars. The Force is one of the many things that makes this true. In the bible telekenesis was a big thing, look at Moses parting the red sea, and all that stuff.


I can't think of anything else right now. I have a stomach ache so I feel crappy.






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Guest Master Koon

I am a fairly strict Christian who was brought up in a fairly strict Christian home, but one question has been chewing away at my brain for years and has caused me to question my faith. Here it goes....


If God has limitless power, can he create a rock so big and so heavy that he cant lift it? confused.gif

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oh, no, good jod koon, now you made me think, ahhhh! the pain! i also believe that you successfully confused most of the un-council, congrats! BTW, barnabas, i have a good idea for next sunday, i prefer to keep it limited to the un-council members for now, so ill e-mail it to you soon





The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by Master Koon:

If God has limitless power, can he create a rock so big and so heavy that he cant lift it? confused.gif


Good question, here's the answer: Can you imagine limitless? Unlimited power? It's not that easy. Think of it this way. There is a line and a ray. A line, mathematically speaking, goes on FOREVER (limitless) in each direction. A ray, on the other hand, goes in ONE direction forever, never stopping. It's length is limitless. So here's my question: Which is longer, the line or the ray? How can you answer that? Both go on forever, both are limitless. How can one be longer than the other? Same with your question. It's eternity and limitless power. The human mind may try to grasp the concept, but it can't.






Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest darthjustin69

jedi kanigget sorry for mispelling name but a ray can go in one direcion in a limitless path, and a line both direction limitless path well if one can go two ways than of course it will go further am i not correct?




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by darthjustin69:

jedi kanigget sorry for mispelling name but a ray can go in one direcion in a limitless path, and a line both direction limitless path well if one can go two ways than of course it will go further am i not correct?



No, you are not. You fail to understand what FOREVER means. It means there is no end. Both the ray and the line will continue on and on and on and on...(Get my drift?) There is no end to either of them, so how could one be longer than the other? Can anyone explain better?






Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest darthjustin69

im right ray- starts say at my house and keeps on going, a line starts at my house and keeps on going north and south so it is longer than a ray




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest darthjustin69

admit it im am right just think about it if i was the sun a sun ray will go from the dun to some far of planet rigt, well if im a line then from the sun i can go to a "north" planet and then a "south" planet at the same time. Please do not argue with that if you do it will prove to be unwise in less you can actually give my a reasonable explanation




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest ShadeShifter

But both the line and the ray keep going on forever. They never stop growing. There is no way to determine which one is longer because they never stop growing.




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Guest darthjustin69

well I guess i am right I kinda thought i was! I am after all a true sith master




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

You still do not understand the concept of infinity. It goes on FOREVER. As in DOES NOT END. A ray goes in one direction forever, WITHOUT END. A line goes in both directions WITHOUT END. Infinity. You are thinking in finitly, I'm speaking infinitly. WITHOUT END. Just because the line goes in both directions and a ray goes in one, does not mean that the ray is shorter, they both go on for infinity. WITHOUT END. (I trust I get my point across the infinity and limitless mean WITHOUT END.) This is not my opinion, it's mathematics.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited May 03, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

It is a matter of perspective, I suppose.

One the one hand, both the line and the ray will extend forever, but on the other hand, the line is extending forever at either end.

This is another discussion, much like religion, in which there is no true answer. smile.gif

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Guest Jericho

The ray has a finite beginning, but an infinite end. The had no begining at all, and extends infinitly in both directions. Therefore, it would be possible, no matter how long it took, to find the beginning of the ray. At the beginning of the ray, the line would still be going.


They both may be infinitly long, but the line is infinitly longer.






Break the walls down.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Again, my friend, this is all a matter of perspective. I completely understand your logic, but you cannot argue your point any more than you can demand that a glass is half-full or empty.

Math is considered by many to be an art, and there is no wrong or right forms of artistic opinion. smile.gif




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Guest ShadeShifter

I know that this will probably cause more confusion here it goes.


The Heizenburg Uncertanty Principle basically says that you cannot determine a characteristic of an object with out altering some other characteristic. You could not determine the length of the line and ray without stopping it's growth, there fore, they would no longer be infinite. You cannot measure an infinate line or ray because they have no end and therefore their lengths cannot be determined.




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Guest Darth skywalker

Hey Barnabas i just have a question did you take my brothers(chicken sandwhich)post seriously did you get mad?If so he says hes sorry i had to eat him but will be making him again soon.

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Guest Darth skywalker

Im trying scientology and thats almost like the force they show you how to do things that no other human can do.WTF where am i?



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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