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Sky.tga error


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Whenever I try to compile I keep getting a message saying that Sky.tga can't be found in a .txt thing in my C: called JK2_missing and the message in it is:



ayone know how to fix that?

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That sky.tga file is just referencing an editor image. That means that it uses that image in the editor when you use a particular shader, mainly sky shaders. You probably get a reddish image when you use a particular shader in the editor. That's where it can't find the sky.tga.


It shouldn't have any impact on the compile even if you get an error message. When you compile the map, the textures should still show up in the game, even with the error.


If you still don't want the error message just take the sky.jpg image that came with the editor and convert it to sky.tga(don't rename, convert. And leave the .jpg as it is). It should be in the directory the error message points out.

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Originally posted by Omikron

I tried doing that but it didn't work, and its really annoying, but I was wondering if re-installing JO and GTK + the 2 SDKs would make a difference.

Would it?


No it wouldn't make a difference because that file does not exist. Not even in the SDK's. All you can do is make one yourself, but you don't have to, because it's not necessarry for a succesfull compile. Everyone who uses the Raven Skyboxes should get that error(perhaps not when you are using Yavin). It's not a big deal.

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I think I've figured out what is wrong, but I dont know how to fix it.

I opened up the skies.shader file, and in there stars doesnt show up, and in the filename it is c:/progra~/starwa~/gamedata/base/c:/program

I think thats the problem, but I don't know how to fix it.

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SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- BSP ----

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/bespin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/cinematics.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/common.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/decals.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/doomgiver.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/effects.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/explosions.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/flares.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/fogs.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx2.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/imperial.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/items.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/Mandalorian.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/marks.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/metashader.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/models.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/mp.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/nar_shaddaa.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/players.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sabers.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/scavenger.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/skies.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sprites.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/system.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/test.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/text_crawl.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/ui.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yavin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yoda.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/zoom.shader

Loading map file c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.map

entering c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.map

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader noshader


******* leaked *******


Writing c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.bsp

16 seconds elapsed

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- Vis ----

reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.bsp

reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.prt

LoadPortals: couldn't read c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.prt

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


----- Lighting ----

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/bespin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/cinematics.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/common.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/decals.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/doomgiver.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/effects.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/explosions.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/flares.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/fogs.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx2.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/imperial.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/items.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/Mandalorian.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/marks.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/metashader.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/models.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/mp.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/nar_shaddaa.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/players.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sabers.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/scavenger.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/skies.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sprites.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/system.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/test.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/text_crawl.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/ui.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yavin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yoda.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/zoom.shader

Reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.bsp

0 light emitting surfaces

Only 240 gridArrays used out of 1048576

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)

8 x 10 x 3 = 240 grid

122 unique grid light points

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)

writing c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/innerjungle.bsp

18 seconds elapsed


Thats the junk file, and it still doesn't work, even though i was sent the shader file by leslie, still not working.

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Someone used to explain this very good. I try to take (steal) something from him, whoever he is. :)


So try to imagine your map as a spaceship floating in space. To stay alive you need the hull of the ship to be sealed. Your map has to be sealed also. If it is leaked that means there is a hole somewhere. You have to fix that.


After compiling, JK2Radiant automatically loads the pointfile that sof2map.exe created during the compilation. GtkRadiant doesn't. You have to load it yourself via File menu's Pointfile or (Load pointfile?) command.


You can see thick red lines on your map in the editor. Those connect the leak spots sof2map has found. In the Misc menu you can find the two command: Find prev/next leak spot. There is a shortcut for them also. So using these will help you to find out where the leak is.


After you fixed it compile again, and see if there are the red lines again. Continue until they not come back after a compilation.

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Leaked means there is a hole in your map's outer walls. Let me steal from someone:


Imagine your map as a spaceship floating in space. You don't want to be there if the hull is not sealed properly, do you? :) Your map has to be sealed also. That means you have to cover the entire map with structural brushes, but doesn't mean that you have to build a big box around your map. That's not the way. Ok, it's working but not the best solution.


After compiling JK2Radiant automatically loads a file - the pointfile - created by sof2map.exe if the map is leaked. GtkRadiant doesn't. You have to ask it to load the file from the File menu.


After loading you can see thick red lines over your map in the editor. Those connect the leak spots. There are two commands in the Misc menu: Find prev/next leak spot. A shortcut is available for them too. These will help you to find the holes in your map.


After fixing you have to compile again. I recommand BSP NoVis NoLight for this. After compiling you have to check if the red lines are there. If they are, you have an other hole you have to fix. Repeat this until the red line wouldn't come back. Then you can start a normal compile.

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Now when I do it in JK2 Radiant it says:


CreatProcess Failed

GetLastError() = 2 - 0

An unrecoverable error has occured. Would you like to edit Preferences before exiting.

I REALLY don't know whats happening and i really need to fix this.

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Ok, simple answer, you are using inferior tools and getting inferior results.


So, I would

A) Fix your leak

B) Use GTKRadiant

C) Compile with Q3Map2


But, your output from your compile ... said that SOF2MAP wrote a BSP in all three stages, so ... what error ARE you getting? Does your map load? Is it in the maps folder, under base?

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Ok, I've fixed the leak, tried compiling with BOTH JkRadiant AND GTK Radiant, and it still does not work, and it does not compile at all, nothing, no popup BSP compiling box, nothing, and my map isn't in the map directory.

Is there something SERIOUSLY wrong with this?

And I have also tried re-installing everything, JK2, JKRadiant, GTK Radiant and it still does not work.

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