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ok I want to get this clear that I am a total noob in Multiplayer Jedi Outcast. I mean I am able to defeat almost any NPC in the SP, but the MP is so different. In the SP I could kill tons of reborns with one life but in MP, its so different. I cant even win against Reborns everytime. And they are in the initiate difficulty. This is totally crazy. How much more do I have to PRACTICE??? I made this thread so that you experts there share your experience when you first started playing the MP thingy. I would be happy if you would do so.



<<<<< Kayaker >>>>>>>>


Feel the Force; Help you it will - Master Yoda :syoda:



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Well, first, the way your model moves is different, you probably noticed that. Your model doesn't have as much of a detatched feeling from the map in MP as it does in MP. The saber system is also different, much better blocking in SP (depending on what the MP server is running) HP is also slanted in SP, I don't think reborns get as much HP as you do in SP. Whereas in MP, they're bots, so they DO get as much HP.


Those are the main differences that I just kinda feel between MP and SP... maybe that can help you get started on your journey to becoming a Jedi :)


You can also check this place out:




If the site happens to be down, that's just the DNS being funky, keep tryin ;)

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Move wise, a few things to note is you can't rotate a DFA (A DFA is the special move in red stance, where you leap through the air and land on the ground, hacking your saber through whatever crosses your path).. You can't pivot it like in SP, the animation is locked. I also find it much easier to do a DFA in MP than in SP... Also, the yellow DFA, where you leap over your opponent and swing at their head, instead of a downward stab motion, it's a full blown swing, but that move can be pivoted while in the air to help hit a moving opponent...

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Thanx guys for all the help. I think I can now defeat bots in the Jedi Master difficulty level(in duel atleast I can) but I have some problems with the red stance. I dont know any special moves and to spply them in a fight. Any help there plz?



<<<<< Kayaker >>>>>>>>


Feel the Force; Help you it will - Master Yoda :syoda:



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red stance dfa: start a red swing, then hold attack+jump+forward after the swing passes its apex or about 2/3 through the swing. an easy way to start practicing this is to start a normal down stroke and hold attack and once the blade pass in front of your face, press forward+jump while holding attack. once you mastered this, try it with different sword strokes as you can execute an dfa from any swing HOWEVER, do not over use this, infact ONLY USE IT IF YOU THINK ARE GONNA HIT, as missing with this isgenerally suicide.


red stance backsweep: back+attack with opponent behind. Despite being severly nerfed, this may still be useful as if the swing connects, it can still do some damage, especially as a surprise. but generally dont use this.


as you can see, for the red stance, its not about the specials. master all the directional attacks, know how far it reach, how fast they are (eg righ+attack for reach and forward+left attack is the fastedt res swing... generally right attacks reach further while leftattacks are fasters). know them intimately, so you excute the right swing in the right situation.


also master the 3 hit combo which is (briefly)...holding attack:

hit 1: any 1 swing

hit 2: same swing or swing 45 degrees from it

hit 3: 45 degrees from prev swing in the same direction.


NOTE if you hit the sabre, you can extend the length of the combo..,also you can execute the DFA at the end.

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