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Schedule a ProMod game here!


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Do you want to play multi-player online with ProMod but suffer from those awfull "empty-server blues"?


Do you find that you've beaten the Bots so many times that all they ever do now is stand around swearing and spitting at you?


Tired of waiting for Beta 3 to be released so it can generate some excitement on the servers again?


Well friends, you're not alone. Here is the miracle you are looking for:


Simply log on to this thread and post a message of the date and time that you want to play (remember to include your time zones, people!), and also include the server you want to play on.


Anybody who reads this thread will see your message and then know where and when to find actual living ProModers playing online!


You could even post info about what type of game you'll be playing, maps you want to use, skins/models -so that everybody comes prepared. (you may have to work much of this out with the Server admin before hand)


Will this solve all of life's problems? Probably not. But it will save you from randomly trying to find other ProModers online, and put an end to those long online waits hoping that others will join while you're there.


What have you got to lose? Try it!


It's free, or your money back!


Hope to see you online! :roll1:

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Everybody remember that ProMod Fight Night is every Thursday at 8:30pm EST (-5 GMT) on my official ProMod server (IP address in my sig)! I'm in there myself every week, so it's a good opportunity to have any questions answered that you may have, and to whip up on the author with your m4d sk1llz.


This week I'll be there for a bit to most likely draft people into helping me with some private Beta 3 testing, so if you're interested, either email me at arsartifex@msn.com, or just show up in my server this thursday.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

Everybody remember that ProMod Fight Night is every Thursday at 8:30pm EST (-5 GMT) on my official ProMod server (IP address in my sig)! I'm in there myself every week, so it's a good opportunity to have any questions answered that you may have, and to whip up on the author with your m4d sk1llz.


This week I'll be there for a bit to most likely draft people into helping me with some private Beta 3 testing, so if you're interested, either email me at arsartifex@msn.com, or just show up in my server this thursday.





I know it is only 7:45pm but I wanted to get your server added to my fav's list and I can not find it. I will try again at 8:30 in case it is not up yet.

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Sorry guys, I had to use the server for some testing of Beta 3. I've been uploading versions consistently and testing them off and on all night. I'm hoping to publicly release Beta 3 sometime in the next couple of days.


Keep an eye on the forum, I'll be posting a message when it's ready!

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