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There ARE Codes In The Game

Guest The Insider

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Guest The Insider

You heard me; I work at LucasArts, and I put the codes into the games. No joking.


Not many people know of these codes, so I'm trying to be a good samaritan and saying that on behalf of us all at LucasArts, we are sorry to all those who feel that JPB for the PSX didn't live up to their expectations. And while we are unable to supply you with a 'finished' version, I am happy to finally release these codes.


That is, if you want me to...

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

You'll have to forgive me if I find this suspicious. We've had a few who have come to this board claiming to be somebody they're not, and at least one claiming something similar to what you are saying. So, I'd have to say I need proof before I believe anything.




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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest The Insider

If you can get 12 replys asking for the codes, I will give them to you. However, every bad reply makes the demands go up 1. For instance, it was originally only going to be 10, but now, because of Kanniget and Dave, all you guys have to post more replys.


1 per person.

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Guest Kurgan

Nah, he's lying. If he was really from LucasArts, he either:


1) Wouldn't be here at all.




2) Would post all the codes, freely, no strings attached.


The "conditions" are always designed to get attention. He figures people are gullible enough to believe him and want the codes badly enough that they'll believe and do anything he says.


I should ban this guy...


I would have no reason to doubt him (well except that it looks suspicious) but the fact that he posted other "codes" and none of them worked.


How about this, here's a "condition" for you.

Guy, prove you're who you say you are, and post ALL of the correct codes within the next 24 hours IN THIS THREAD.


If you fail to do this, then we will be forced to conclude you are a fake, and you will be banned.

Now since he doesn't work for LucasArts and he doesn't have the codes, he can't live up to that, and he'll be out of here. Simple, no?


See, I'm a nice guy, I'm giving him a chance. ; )




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest Hannibal

Oh no! Now I'll never finish the game. Wait a minute...I already have. The game has been sitting on my shelf for so long you'd think it was a copy of Ishtar(that's a reference for the older folks smile.gif). I think we all knew he didn't work at Lucasarts when he claimed to because everyone who works at lucasarts is ashamed and would never mention it in public (afraid to get a public stoning).



Man Eating Vice President of the Un-Council

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my dad worked at lucas arts. ladi freakin da. no codes.i say it again. NO CODES. NONE. ZERO. ZIP. NADA. (you go kurgon!!!)



duel3.gif "You want to wrastle me Lawler? Wrastle me?!? Is that how they talk in Memphis Tennesse?" -Andy Kauffmaun


[This message has been edited by obi-wan13 (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest The Insider

You've all got the wrong idea. I'm talking about Gameshark codes that I haven't seen released anywhere else.


And I'm sorry if I'm sounding like I don't want to give them to you; it's just that I want to see if anybody really wants them. If not, I could keep hold of them, and release them at a later date to ensure replay value. It's just that this is my way of saying sorry to the fans of the game, for having to release a trashy game that was plucked from our hands by the powers of LucasArts. Seriously, guys, all of us here on the JPB team felt awful when we read the comments on this forum. While we are not able to release the game for PS2, we have taken into account your concerns when making the DC version.


I have no proof that I work at LucasArts; you guys just have to trust me on that one.


And the TPM codes I posted before DO work, if you enter them in correctly.

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<TR><td bgcolor=#00000> QJinn.jpg <td bgcolor=#00000><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1"><font size="2"><valign=top>And presumably the “correct” way is in Arabic. Or is it Swahili?


</font size><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">------------------

Jedi Knight Who Says, “Ni!”

<table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="562"><tr><td><img SRC="http://fan.starwars.com/Fishsticks/files/Hood.jpg" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=223 width=562></td></tr><tr><td><center><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">Master Qui-Gon, Minister of Silly Walks

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.</CENTER></td></tr></table><font size="2">Join the <a href="http://pub19.ezboard.com/bthecouncilofjedi]<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1"><font size="2">Jedi Temple</a></font></font color></font face><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">.<font size="-2"><Font color="000000">


[This message has been edited by Master Qui-Gon (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest Matt Kenobi



Silly Master Qui-Gon, DAH!!! you enter them in Gungan, here they are.


"Letta theresa bea light"


"Canatina songa"

"Whera did hesa goa"


forgive me if i sound like Joe Joe with the sarcasm and all. And NO!!!!!! don't try them, i don't want banned for fake codes




Visit My Cool Site Matt Kenobi's Everything Star Wars

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Guest Jedi Master Mace Windu

<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="#117DF4">


And how do you put them in "correctly"? And how did you get hold of all these cheats for TPM if you are on the JPB team?<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="#117DF4">





Jedi mind tricks don't work on me....



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Guest The Insider

I was on the JPB team as code creator. I was also on the TPM team as code creator. I previously created the codes for RS and JK, and I am currently on the SBR and Demolition team creating codes.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

LMAO; hey guys, did you know that I work for Lucas Arts too??


Scratch that - I'm actually on the set of Episode II right now!! Who wants spoilers?? biggrin.gif


But remember, 200 people have to post saying they want them before I'll post them, and for anyone who says I'm lying, 50 more are added to the total.






[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Master Mace Windu

<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="#117DF4">You still haven't answered my other question: How do you type in these TPM codes correctly if you are truly someone form LucasArts? It doesn't really matter anymore cause if you don't do what Kurgan says you are going to be outta here anyways.




Jedi mind tricks don't work on me....



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<TR><td bgcolor=#00000> QJinn.jpg <td bgcolor=#00000><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1"><font size="3"><valign=top>I am Arthur, King of the Britons.


</font size><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">------------------

Jedi Knight Who Says, “Ni!”

<table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="562"><tr><td><img SRC="http://fan.starwars.com/Fishsticks/files/Hood.jpg" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=223 width=562></td></tr><tr><td><center><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">Master Qui-Gon, Minister of Silly Walks

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.</CENTER></td></tr></table><font size="2">Join the <a href="http://pub19.ezboard.com/bthecouncilofjedi]<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1"><font size="2">Jedi Temple</a></font></font color></font face><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">.<font size="-2"><Font color="000000">

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Yeah, and guys, guys, check this out, I've accually been cast for episode three, im playing Superman. We're looking for a goat king, and we're eyeing up Hannibal's Orange Karate Guy for the role.


Also, if you spin around four times and click your heels while saying:

"theres no place like Theed."

while playing JPB, you get the exact same thing you get from The Insider's magical codes. You guessed it!.....Crap!


Buddy, trust me, you're not fooling anybody.





<font color = "blue"> "Be excelent to each other." </font>


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited July 24, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Let me clarify that for your "Insider":


They have to be brand new, working codes, not just pasted from Gameshark's website or whatnot. You won't be able to weasle yourself out of this one, bud.


I'm asking you to put your money where your mouth is. The clock is running!




Actually a simple way he could "prove" he works for LEC would be for him to post his real name. Then anybody could look up that name to see if he worked for LEC (and ask the real person via email if that's him on the forums).


Somebody recently claimed to be Matt Cassamassini (sp?) of IGN. I emailed the real Matt and he confirmed the other guy was an imposter. See how easy it is?




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 24, 2000).]

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That's really rather entertaining that he claims to not only have coded for TPM AND JPB, but is also working on Demolition as well...


...I guess he missed that news where Demolition is being developed by an OUTSIDE DEVELOPER, the same developer who did Vigilante 8.

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Guest Commander 598

Hey Zanzibar you should know if there are any unknown codes fpr TPM(Hint Hint biggrin.gif)



Mission Accepted...


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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I'm just wondering why Insider didn't say that the codes where GameShark codes in the first place. The way the first post sounds, it comes across as non-gameshark codes, then Insider later changes it to GameShark codes. Sounds like the lying skills of OJ.






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Guest Jedi Dire

hey, who knows, maybe this guy is telling the truth?


yeah right, and i had my way with Natalie Portman last night.


a LOT of Lucas Arts games are developed with outside companies. for example, TPM had that Ape company. XvT has that ... uh... i forget.


ignore this guy: i mean, what codes will he tell us? Ki Adi Mundi codes? *laugh* or how about a way to get blasters for everyone? hah! its ridiculous.

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