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There ARE Codes In The Game

Guest The Insider

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Guest The Insider

Okay, fine. You win. Here are the codes:


Queen Amidala Lightsaber: 800B241A 1138


Captain Panaka Lightsaber: 50000402 4210


Ultimate Blaster (kills anything except bosses with one shot): 300BC29D 0001


Maul's second saber: 500AD23D 1003


Force-Push for any Jedi: 800AD72D 0001


To use force push, hold down L2, then 'Select'.


That's all for now. Who wants to know the rest?

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Guest the13thJedi

Hey people, careful you don't step in all the Bull$*!t.


To tell the honest truth, I work at LucasArts. Yeah, that's right. I'm the President, co-founder, chairman, and I also do character design and level editing on the side.


Oh yeah, and I also work for Lucasfilm too. I made all the movies behind the scenes. Yep, that's right. I'm the real creator of the entire Star Wars Saga.


Oh, and I also moonlight as the President's national security advisor, and I'm a rock star, and a Supreme court judge with my own TV show, Wal-Mart's employee of the Year, Taco Bell manager, Post man, book critic, professional food taster, AND creator of Viagra tongue.gif


Guys like this really piss me off. Hey Kurgan, hurry up and ban this patheloical liar already, do us all a favor.


BTW, Insider... I knew about those codes a long time ago, and they're all fake. Even if the Maul code (or any of them) worked I would know because I've been attempting to hack them for a while and it isn't possible. AND if you did work at LucasArts, you wouldn't have tried to tell us that they were gameshark codes. Any Real programmer knows better than to design a game with gameshark codes in mind.







[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 25, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 25, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

Are you telling me that those codes work? Somehow I don't believe that, and I would like someone like Wart to test these out (seeing as he's had the most experience).




Dave Maul

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<TR><td bgcolor=#00000 valign="TOP"> <Br>QJinn.jpg<td bgcolor=#00000><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1"><font size="2">Has anybody actually tried them? We should probably double check before we shove our boot up his worthless ass.



Master of the Living Fruitcake.


</font size><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">------------------

Jedi Knight Who Says, “Ni!”

<table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="562"><tr><td><img SRC="http://fan.starwars.com/Fishsticks/files/Hood.jpg" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=223 width=562></td></tr><tr><td><center><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">Master Qui-Gon, Minister of Silly Walks

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.</CENTER></td></tr></table><font size="2">Join the <a href="http://pub19.ezboard.com/bthecouncilofjedi]<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1"><font size="2">Jedi Temple</a></font></font color></font face><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="green1">.<font size="-2"><Font color="000000">

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Guest Jedi Master Mace Windu

<font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="#117DF4"> Kurgan, has he been banned yet?



Jedi mind tricks don't work on me....



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Guest Jedi Dire

alrighty boys and girls, i'm trying them out.


codes in, and game started....


loading up Darth Maul...for a random stage: Couruscant.


hmmm...Darth Mauls second lightsaber doesn't seem to work


neither does the Force push...it just does what "select" does. move your indicater of life and force


lets try Amidala in City of Theed...


i don't see a saber...or this ultimate blaster working...hmm...now that i mention it, he never told us how to TOGGLE the saber. hmm...


ObiWan in the Ruins...no force push here...


maybe the insider can give me the inside story on why this doesn't work? and i KNOW my game is up to 10/100 on every character (besides the three secret) and also ITS NOT MY GAME SHARK. it works all the time, with every single code i've put in so far. even that blasted Jedi Jumping codes work. okay. one more try.


ObiWan on last level. wait. searching for options on any of the menus. nope.


these codes give me the same thing when i beat Droiedekas. a bowl of jack. i'm taking them off my game shark now.


anyone else is free to try it, but for me it didn't work

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I didn't get them to work either. The Amidala code did give me unlimited thermal detonators, though.




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Guest Kurgan

Well, technically I had other stuff going on, so I gave him MORE than enough time.


Enough humoring this idiot. He's history...


And that should be the end of it! ; P



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