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The Campfire

Lost Welshman

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Hello Everyone, I thought it would be cool if everyone told us their stories of great success on jedi outcast online multiplayer. For example:

Me and my friend were talking on a forum about how lightsabers are better than guns, when everyone came on saying that guns rule JO so we set up a game with a password and me and my friend beat the gun lovin criminals and they all left the game in shame before it ended.

thats a True Story

Ok now its your turn tell us a cool story

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Originally posted by Anakin-Davin

guns=suxors. Lightsabres can block ALMOST every gun. Then u can use push on the others. True story, I owned a n00b using guns 20 outta 25 times. And i only use a lightsabre. He used guns. Guns ain't ment for jk2. They shoulda made the game without guns and just Jedi ppl. The guns stick in jk2


Guns only suck against a very good saberist. I once won a free for all with only using the Pistol. Guns can be really affective when their are people that don't know how to use the lightsaber. I think it's fun to play a game only with sabers, but I also enjoy playing a guns and saber server.

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funnyest thing i've done is.... mmm CTP MP game: I was really racking a team up, score was 15 and i had it at 0-14... anyways all my team mates started bashing the other teame with "joo suk, we roxors joo" crap... annoyed i switched teams and went from 0-14 to 15-14... winning it for red ;)

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