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Conveyer belt tutorial


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well, maybe i'm going to use my idea of a space-age, floating pallet jack like we use at Home depot ( only ours is not floating and spaced aged, lol)

I jsut wanted to make the force field blocked conveyer system to seperate my normal room temperature cargo bay from the Feezer where the beer is stored....


i'll figure something out.

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Here is what the entities definition file says about fx_explosion_trail:


Creates an explosion type trail using the specified effect file, damaging things as it moves through the environment


Can also be used for something like a meteor, just add an impact effect ( fxFile2 ) and a splashDamage and splashRadius


GRAVITY - object uses gravity instead of linear motion


"fxFile" - name of the effect to play for the trail ( default "env/exp_trail_comp" )


"fxFile2" - effect file to play on impact


"model" - model to attach to the trail


"target" - direction to aim the trail in, required unless you specify angles


"targetname" - (required) trail effect spawns only when used.


"speed" - velocity through the world, ( default 350 )


"radius" - damage radius around trail as it travels through the world ( default 128 )


"damage" - radius damage ( default 128 )


"splashDamage" - damage when thing impacts ( default 0 )


"splashRadius" - damage radius on impact ( default 0 )


"soundset" - soundset to use, start sound plays when explosion trail starts, loop sound plays on explosion trail, end sound plays when it impacts

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heres how you can make your very own counveyor :p there is only one bad thing... it doesn't work in mp :(

...you can actually put it under water and it makes you "flow with water"





spawnflags 48

speed 128

target *yourtarget*

wait 0.1






targetname *yourtarget*


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