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Mature players for Mature Clan...


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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah i know...tis sad really. we are one of the top notch clans but yet we still have to recruit in the field of battle. it's no bother to us. that way we get to see how well you play. but all-in-all IRON is the clan to be in. it promotes comradery, brotherhood, and most of all friendship. you might not ever meet none of these kats personally but yet they can be your best friends. which these guys are.

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Man, I love the way you sell it Mystic...that's beautiful :) Seriously, we never get a lot of posts on these threads, but that has not stopped our ranks from growing. We have a large and excellent team right now, with always room for more. More importantly, IRON is not your average fly by night clan that is here today and renamed tomorrow...IRON is a multi-gaming clan that has been around for over 4 years and the jedi team has been around since the launch of jk2. We are not going anywhere and these guys, like Mystic, have become my friends as well. This is a great group of tight knit guys who also happen to be pretty good with a saber :) If this sounds like the right place for you, please stop by and check out the site or come by the IRON Brigade server to chat and see how we play. Reptile IRON aka SuperLen



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Iron, you sound a lot like =X=, with background. We have none, currently, but our reputation is growing quickly. You mentioned you were trying to get a CTF team up and running. I would like to be the first to challenge you to a Saber only CTF match. If you're interested, let me know and we can set up the specifics later. Our site, if you're interested is http://x.fragism.com so take a look and let me know. =)


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It's funny. I was a semi-regular here on JK2.net, then I met Aoshi, who introduced me to the IRON Brigade.


This is my first post here in about, oh, 5 months now? :rolleyes:


The IRON Jedi are one of the most recent divisions of the IRON Brigade, which specializes in Ghost Recon, MW4, and a few other such games. The JK2 division has a good core group, and we're regular! (yes, we take our Metamucil) We team up on Voice chat software and go pub(lic server) crawling every Thursday, jumping en masse into a duel or, more recently, TFFA matches and kick the bejeezus out of people (or get our bejeezuses kicked on more uncommon occasions).


The atmosphere is fun. Reptile (SuperLen here... what a horrible name, Rep...) is a great leader, and he's supported by veritable pillars of members that remember that, ultimately, this is a game, and even more ultimately, we're out to have fun. (and to criticize Reptile constantly.) (at least, that's my job.)


My name is Turgenev, and I'm an IRON Jedi.



From a word to a word I was led to a Word / From a deed to another Deed. - The Poetic Edda

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL...you're right...that name is terrible! Hehe, but in any event, that was a great post, Turgenev! You've really captured the spirit of the IRON Brigade and especially the Jedi team. For all you in the know, the IRON Brigade jedis have been going strong now for quite some time and show no signs of abating. We are once again looking for some quality team mates to join us in our dueling and ctf endeavors. If you are a interested and mature player, please come by and see if we are right for you! And don't forget that IRON is a multi-gaming community! We also play Ghost Recon, America's Army, MechWarrior, Neverwinter Nights, IL-2 Sturm., Tribes2. We are also looking for players interested in a UT2003 division as well. Reptile IRON aka SuperLen :)



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Greetings friends from Iron Brigade,


Would you all be interested in an inter-clan saber only dueling tournament? We are very interested to arrange one, and would like to invite you all to participate! KoA vs IB!


Our dedicated server can host up to 30 people at once, therefore, we can all go into the server, then there will be spectators and participants in a coliseum map that one of our member made. It should be really fun!


Hope you will consider our invitation. May the Force be with you all always.


Please email me at ka_ric@hotmail.com, so that we can discuss it in details.



Ric D'Sunga

Jedi Knight & Council Member

The Knights of Alderaan


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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL...you are about half crazy Mystic...or more. IRON is always accepting apps, peeps. Things are really cooking right now...new members, new team skins, team maps. Kiddie clans come and go, but IRON is here to stay. If you are an interested jedi...come by the site and see if we are right for you. Or if you are interested in a duel challenge, IRON offers a very competitive team in a fun atmosphere! Reptile IRON aka SuperLen



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