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-once you have the directory structure right use "add files" in assimilate(under the file menu).do not use open.

-locate the _humanoid.gla file and select it.

-make sure your root.xsi file is in the same folder as the humanoid file.(make sure it is labeled root.xsi)

-assimilate will compile the two and make an untitled.car file first, and an untitled.glm file second if all goes well. rename the glm to model.glm and zip that baby up!


hope this helps someone, i've had the same headaches many times over. once you get through it once, it gets easier.(not)

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I've just been working on it. Unfortunately I got the same result as you did. The .xsi file should be fine because I re-imported it back into max and everything appeared ok. My Assimilate and Carcass setup works fine so I guess your setup is working fine. The problem could lie in the model setup in max. I'm quite experienced in max, but I really can't work this out.


One thing I noticed is that my player model root.xsi file is around 12 meg and yours comes out at around 3 meg. Can anyone else here verify another root.xsi filesize?

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wait a sec . . .

what i did was open the stormtrooper xsi and deleted all the meshes so the skeleton, tags and bones were left as per the addendum tut. I then imported my mesh into this scene and shaped it around the skeleton. Could I have done something wrong during this stage? Is it possible that bad humanoid means assimilate can't match the skeleton in the xsi with the animations in the humanoid?

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Bell, youre saying you get a "bad humanoid" error when you try to convert it, but when i exported to .xsi and tried i only got the 90 skewing error.

so the problem youre having has something to do with either the way you export to .xsi or the way you have assimilate setup.

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k ya the bad humanoid shows up in the assimilate window after i add the humanoid; you can see the pic in the link i posted above.

I hit the B button anyway and that is where is says glm missing and humanoid not found. That shows in the dos window; i have a pic of that above also.

So we can safely assume its either the max file or the way i'm exporting it or both?

I once downloaded a "weighted skeleton" that someone set up for jk to use to build character models around. maybe i'll put my mesh around that one and redo everything. think thay might help?


thanks a bajilliangillian for all your help with my model guys!!!

our mod will simply not be a mod at all without it.


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well its DEFINETLY your setup/humanoid.gla file thats the problem with assimilate giving you that bad humanoid error before you even compile.

i would try sending you the humanoid.gla but its almost 10mb and thats a no no for hotmail.


and the 90 degree skewing error is the fault of what i said earlier

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Wow, someone is having the exact same problem I had a few months ago. It's a damned shame that it's completely impossible to search this forum and find the 100 other threads that have been started by other people who have had this exact same problem.


But I guess I'm just pissing in the wind.

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agreed; from what i undersand there is a bandwidth limit in regards to all those sql commands that go back and forth during a search. not sure on that though, there is an admin thread about it. I hope to god they are at least archiving this stuff.

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Good news i have found the problem: it seems you have an invisible object in the scene that is causing error code 12! :D


Press H and you will see on top there is a blank space, select this and delete it, now export, and it wont show error code 12 anymore, weird problem.


Now the fun part...well not for you :)


I can see right away a few things are wrong on the weighting side, here's a couple things you will need to fix when u get error messages...cuz i know u will:


1.some tags are not fully weighted, bolt_r_leg_calf for example has 1 vert not weighted, easy to fix.


2.Another problem is how you assigned your uvw coordinates, it's ok but u need to collapse the stack at some point, u have like 10 modifiers under the skin, shouldnt cause any serious problems tho.


3.Body parts need to have their pivot point aligned with the "Stupid_triangle_off" tag. I just do this cuz raven did it! i like to follow rules, cuz sometimes it can come back and bite u in the a**!. There's a tool (called align) at the top that will simplify the process.


4. "l_leg_cap_hips_off" was still in vertex sub-object mode, this could also cause some minor problems later.


5.For facial anims, only 9 bones need to be weighted in order to export properly: cranium, ltlip2, lblip2, leye, reye, rtlip2, rblip2, ceyebrow, jaw.


The remaining bones (_eff also) are assigned to the head (not head_face), and NO weights are assigned.


6.Your lhand_tag bone is not weighted properly, this could result in screwed up saber or force powers...but thats enough for now!


sorry for making such a long list, but i figure this might help other people.

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man that is AWESOME!!!

thanks that is an unbelievable amount of help wow!

so how long you been doing characters in max?? hehehehe

thanks m8!!


so for the modifiers, should i rite click on that window and choose collapse all; and do this for all the meshes?


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k did all that and collapsed all the stacks; now i get this error


error: Vert (1) on mesh "stupidtriangle_off" has no weights



so i selected the stupidtriangle and re-weighted it to a bone and re-exported and re-compiled in assimilate and still get that error.

any thoughts?

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u read spacemonkey's tutorial?, u need to link stuff in the right order.



-select and link it to stupidtriangle_off



-select and link it to mesh_root



-slect and link it to model_root


Also, i weighted stupid triangle to "thoracic".


Another thing to add: since your character is wearing a tunic kinda like ki-adi-mundi, i would suggest u create some polys to close the form.


Create a cap from all the edges, then collapse the vertices to the center and move the remaining vertex up so it creates a cone. Dunno if that makes any sense to you.


so for the modifiers, should i rite click on that window and choose collapse all; and do this for all the meshes?


Well if you do that, you need to re-weight every meshes. You can leave it that way for now, in theory it would still work.


And ive been modeling stuff since last year. Started exporting JK2 stuff in may. Spacemonkey's tut was a great help.

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