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making progress. I recieved an error stating that a series of bones were not found when "LOD 0" was being processed.

for example

Bone "chin" not found

So I went back and assigned these bones to the related part of the mesh through the skin/envelope modifier, adding the bones to the window underneath the envelope button in the roll out.

I double checked to make sure the links are correct as you had mentioned above, and found a couple things that needed linking and did so; and everything is linked in the correct order.


DOH! I'm so close I can taste it hehehe. any ideas on what I would do with the bone not found error?

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most of the time when a bone is not found, it has to do with how its weighted.


For example:

the chin bone is added to the head like i said earlier, but if only 1 vert is weighted to it, carcass will not be able to find or reach it.


Similar errors that could happen are with the hand tags/rhang tag bone.


For correct saber position/movement and force powers you need to weight these correctly:


For left hand:

"lhand_tag_bone" is assigned to the hand hierarchy but it does not affect any vertices (like some of the facial bones). The "bolt_l_hand" is linked to the mc5 bone


For the right hand:

The bolt_r_hand is weighted only to the "rhang_tag_bone" and the "rhang_tag_bone" is not part of any hierarchy.

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excellent thanks!!!! btw i went to your sight and saw your tips and tricks page. I've created a small tut on how to import a glm into max if you are interested in adding it? you've been a huge help i would like to contribute somehow; here is the link.


perhaps what we've covered in this thread can be added since others have had similar problems; plus the support for character modeling is scant at best.

whatya think?

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I would, but its not mine! i was thinking that i should make a more detailed site about the kind of problems you (and I) encountered.


Also another part on weighting, that could help people who are using the skin modifier for the first time.


Let me know if you have any other problems, ill do my best to help you out, tho i think i covered pretty much all the trouble spots.

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awesome that would be great i'd love to help in anyway i can. I appreciate the generosity;

speaking of which. by "weighting bones properly" do you mean they have to be weighted to more than one vert or not at all in order to work?

also, if a bone is not to be weighted to any verts, does it still need to be "assigned"; as in adding the bone to the envelope window in the roll out (is this what "assigning a bone" means?)

thanks bud!!!!:)

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also, if a bone is not to be weighted to any verts, does it still need to be "assigned"; as in adding the bone to the envelope window in the roll out (is this what "assigning a bone" means?)




Some bones, like facial bones, are not weighting any verts and cannot be found when verts are assigned to them.


However they need to be added to the head hierarchy in order to be found.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well thanks again guys. still working on it. i burried my head in this forum and read all the posts back to the beginning. I collected anythig relating to the spacemonky tut and addendum and tips and tricks and will put them into a faq. I've included some modview stuff as well. i will also merge the tut and addendum and tips and tricks to one comprehensive tut on putting character models in jkii. I hope to have this up in december. I will also add to this tut with screen shots and little quicktime clips to show how stuff is done as i learn them.

I'd also like to invite anyone who wishes to add to it post here or email me at



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