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glowing limbs and wall damage


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hope these aren't too obvious questions:


question 1:

Anyone know what I need to modify to get rid of the glowing effect on detached limbs? I've already modified "caps.jpg" and "caps_glow.jpg" in "textures/common" but I would like to figure out a way to keep it from emitting light in-game.


question 2:

I'm trying to get rid of the saber wall damage (sparks and melting) that happens when you touch your saber to the wall. Anyone know where I can edit this?


Thanks much.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The glowing limbs...


The glowing at the end of pieces that are dismembered (head, torso, arms, legs, whatever) are controlled by a shader affecting the picture caps.tga (or jpg whichever it is). So If you want to change the way that glowing looks, simply copy the stormtrooper/caps.tga that is used by most of the skins into your models/players/blah directory, rename it, fix the .skin file, then apply a shader to it that does what you want it to.

I believe this would work without you having to alter the .efx files, but i haven't checked to be sure.

If you decide to do it this way, but have problems with the shaders, send me an email at


I'd be glad to give you any help you need.



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