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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn it still won't work. I tried all of the following in my adminmod.cfg file:


set g_weaponDisable 10216

set g_weaponDisable 10216

seta g_weaponDisable 10216

seta g_weaponDisable 10216


Wants to stay at 65531 all the time, less I change it in console and restart.


Tried it in autoexec.cfg in adminmod folder aswell but it ain't flowin.

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Hmm, the only way I got mine to work was to create a shortcut with the config file as a comand line parameter. I had a server config with all the game parameters I wanted and I created a new shortcut names JKII dedic with the config file in the command line. This was when i want to run the server I just use that shortcut and it boots up the dedicated server with all the settings I want.


I had a similar problem with a couple of variables (mainly force disabling) because if I tried to start a new server IN-GAME somehow the server setup menu would mess up the config I wanted.

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