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Question concerning Lucasarts´ "The Dig" by Sean Clark

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Hi there!


I have one important question!!!


I bought "The Dig" for my PC today, and now I´m in trouble, because the sound won´t work. I don´t know what to do, and so I ask you to help me!


The problem is, that the game won´t detect my sound card, since it was developed ten years ago. Does anybody know where I could find a patch to fix it, so that I can play with sound, since it is announced on the package to be awesome.


Maybe anybody knows a patch that I could download, so that the game works on my Pentium IV with on-board sound card.


I believe many people here had the same problem playing Sam´n´Max with proper sound or, well......"The Dig".


Hope somebody can help me out.



By the way, if you don´t know how to help post anyways or ask your friends, since it´s really important to me.




H. Toothro(o)t


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