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Thanks for the welcome :)


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Just wanted to say thanks to Wraith and every one else for the welcome in the "Smartest Race" thread :)


I like the Forums


I book Marked and have been back a few times in the last few days, but i only just noticed the welcome...Even though it was in BIG letter ;)


I always liked this BB Code :) It looks nice


Looking forward to playing Galaxies :)


Been waiting for this game for about 2 and a half years now......






P.s Any one know weather you have to become a Jedi before you can be a Dark jedi ? I wanna go jedi Hunting ;)

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Heyas Can-able, good forum innit ;)


The whole jedi thing is still subject to wild speculation atm, as the devs have kept most of the details under wraps. I wont restate what has been said before in other threads, but if you go and look at the several Jedi threads already on the boards, you will get an idea of what to expect.


I think we have all been waiting a long time for this kind of SW game, immersive role-play in arguably one of the most imaginative fiction based settings ever devised.


Groovy :cool:

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Thanks dude !


I read the jedi tread's the other day and it makes sence, and i like the way they are handeling it.


It is just... i rember reading the FAQ on the SWG web site, and they said that you would need to have been a jedi to become a Dark jedi. That was a long time ago so it could have changed since then.


I really wanna be a Gray jedi like Jason Solo , But after reading the tread on being a jedi in this forum, i kind of thought that if i wanted to be a jedi that much i could be a usfull one and keep the good jedi's in line buy hunting them and keeping the populsion down....But hayho i might not even be force sensative :)


Gotta be Han or a Boba Clone (heh Bobba, Clone..sorry laughing at my own jokes now) next if i can't be a jedi...... Still might hunt jedi though just for the fun of it :)


Nice name anyway Denger....Good Bounty Hunter :) Shame about the Blue girl that makes him go soft ;)






P.s Every time i post on these bords i like them more and more :)

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Hey no problem man :D... we aim to please!:D


uhm.. about the Jedi. Like Dengar said ... you can read a whole lot about peoples mind about the jedi :D


now.... as for the devs about the Jedi:


Star Wars Galaxies will include 25 unique professions. Stay tuned in the months to come as we reveal them. Note that certain professions are considered "Elite" and will not be available to starting characters.


Jedi and some other proffesions are "Elite" proffesions.



Jedi is a special case profession that requires considerable prerequisites (such as being Force sensitive). A player in this profession has access to considerable Force wielding skills, but they would be wise to keep that information to themselves as the Galactic Empire aggressively hunts the Jedi.


And yeah.. i have been waiting just as long for this game. bummer i didnt get into 2nd Beta.


C ya around


-Wraith 8-

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I think the vast majority of people want to be jedi. It's a good thing there are going to be huge prerequisites to become one..otherwise we'd basically have another Jedi Outcast, with everyone wielding the force.


And welcome.

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I do agree :)


I think every one want's to be a jedi at hart ...who wouldn't :)


But it would be a waste of time if avery one was one, it would end up like Quake ...NO!!!!! :D


I have a Question:


Can i post any thing about Starwars Hear or do's it have to just be about SWG ?





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