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Create Server Loading Problem


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Whenever I try to create a server, it loads up the map and after it says awaiting snapsot... it exits the load screen and brings me to the menue with a pretty message saying "Server disconnected." How is this? I'm the server and I didn't disconnect. However, when I load Bespin the first map on the cycle, it loads fine. Then I try to load a map through the Call Vote in the esc menue, it gets to awaiting snapsot.. and doesn't move... Help me please :( ...I am well stocked to play this game as well:


Ahtlon xp 1800+@1.5ghz

256mb pci2700 DDR ram

g4 mx 440 64mb DDR


Khan made a thread similar to this stating you need a decent amount of RAM to load fast. I normally load the maps within 10-20 secounds.

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