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Help with aircraft

Darth Kane

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Hit and run, preferably in swarms. The Imperials don't get shields so come Tech IV they're going to be heavily outclassed in 1 vs. 1 dogfights. CC Imperial fighters tend to be cheaper and build faster than other Civ fighters though, so you can use them to swarm. If you're serious about using them against shielded fighters, I suggest micromanaging to have your fighters team up, otherwise if the numbers are anywhere near even your fighters will get chewed up. Course, if you toss in advanced AT-ATs then you can let them help you destroy enemy fighters...



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Actually, Luke, I think that last idea would work well with unique unit sets in GB 2. *smug grin to Sith*


Oh... about the actual topic...... yeah, basically swarm your enemy's unprotected ground units, bombers and air cruisers with TIE fighters. If you have enough, you'll overwhelm the enemy in no time.

The bombers aren't too bad either. You might consider using them against enemy defensive structures before a ground assault (something you'll definitely end up doing eventually).

In CC, the Imp air cruisers are basically just as good as everyone else's, so use them to their greatest extent. That is, beat the living hell out of the bad guys. :D

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad


yep not in this one though.


Oh and Kryllith, gungans have good air in tech3 but only as long as they have medic nearby which is not always.

Heheh, that's why I always keep them nearby. If I'm using gungan air, I'll almost always have a tranport carrying medics (and a fambaa if I've a fortress already). Then I just pull them out when I need them. Course if I lose my medics then my air turns tail and runs til I can get more. :)



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Really? I usually don't check the ressources when I repair something. I know that it doesn't take a lot of ressources to repair other stuff. Only a fraction of it(when it is heavily damaged let's say an assault mech has 1 hp left, when you repair it to 300hp, only a fraction of the ressources needed to build it is deducted).

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