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How should I go about making a droid?

War Master

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I need to make Leebo, Dash Rendar's droid companion, for a game I'm working on. I'm a mapper and I haven't tried modeling yet so this is new to me. Do you take a different approach to making a droid as opposed to making a humanoid? What's the best program to use, milkshape or 3dsMax? If you have any pointers or tips please post 'em. :)


If you don't know who Leebo is go here



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Truthfully, modelling a character is quite a bit different than modelling a weapon. While modelling a weapon basically reguires you to create the model, UVW map it, create the texture, and add the tags, and compile; creating a player model will also require you to import and adjust a skeleton and tags and fit the model to them, and then weight the model to the bones of the skeleton. While this can be done in both Milkshape and 3dsMax, there is currently no support for the .xsi or .glm formats for Gmax, so technically a model cannot be fully completed using that. As PsykOSith said, the character is roughly humanoid, so it should be no more difficult to model it to the skeleton than any other humanoid character. The player model will, of course use the standard player animations from the game, so it won't move very "droidish."

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